Aravix Doncin



5 years, 5 months ago


name: Aravix doncin

lusus: a giant octopus and eel mishmash

height: 5′11″

blood: Fushia

Info: she hides her rave gear from her lusus and makes sure never to have her lusus find out what she does all the time. She would prefer not to get eaten by her lusus just because she does what she enjoys doing. While she is at raves she usually helps out the newbies. Which are pretty easy to spot a mile away. Makes sure they know the drill and don’t OD on the first day, especially other seadweller newbies to make sure they keep hydrated. Though if you’re rude and act like you totally know whats up she will scorn you and not talk to you ever again. She truly does keep the mentality of an eye for an eye and good at keeping grudges