Malakian Burakgazi



5 years, 5 months ago


Basic information

Name: Malakian Burakgazi

Day of Birth: August 26

Nickname: Kai, Mali, Malakai
Age: 34
Gender: Male

 Sexuality: Bisexual

Fear: Abnormal things like ghost, very loud booming noises

Height: 6'3
Personality: Malakian the big gentle, caring man, thoughtful very much willing to help others in need enough to fight for them even. When he was younger, he always wanted to be good at anything he dose he still kinda thinks like that especially when his sister comes around to Challenge him that whole side of him comes out. He is active but is always up to sitting around at home as well, he is able to take charge if need be which is when another whole side of him comes out being his war self. He had to be cold and serious during those dark times he ended up getting some serious anxiety and PTSD from the ordeal it's what made him calm down over the years. Malakian as grown to have a bit of a hard time keeping up with things like life moving forward, what's new and going on with the world also having a hard time fully trusting others again.

Likes: Weapons, reading, telling stories, being outside, traveling, meeting nice people, Spring, being with his old-time friends
Dislikes: Bad people, justices not being served, loud places, fights, Fall and Winter, dislike his sister

Relationship Status: Single 

job: He used to be a soldier but retried so now he is merchant

Something he'd say:

Gemstone: Golden Shadow

Flower: Anemone

History: Malakian was born into a middle-class noble family in the well-known city of [needs a name]. He was the second child of Vail Burakgazi his father who was the head of the house and was a proud warrior back in his time, then Malakian's mother Uari Burakgazi she was a healer around the time Vail was a warrior it should be pretty obvious how they came to have met one another. He came out to be a very health happy boy even ended up inheriting their family's crest which made him become a rather important person in the house, his family had plans for him to be head of house someday if it came to that. During that time Malakian had never seen his older sister she was at an academy of warriors and healers all the way in [needs a name] training in hoping to be a warrior, by the time he got to see her he was 11 years old. From time to time, he would get out and walk around the village he lived in at the time it was a pretty peaceful place it wasn't known for many problems it's just about the perfect place to live and raise a family. So, you could only imagine at the rare chance when something bad happens like a thief and Malakian was there a few times when it happened, he wasn't happy to have something like that after that it just further the idea of wanting to help other people he still wasn't sure which way to go about it either being a warrior or a healer whichever that works. When Malakian was 16 his sister had come home again but now as a healer, even though everyone seemed happy his sister was not and seemed always mad especially mad towards him which was confusing for him at the time, but he'll later understand why. One day during the cold winter days the family had left their hometown to visit the rest of their family in [needs a name], upon arrival everything was just right, everyone was catching up and was mostly talking about Malakian and how much he had grown. Around dinner time he was heading to the dining hall but was stopped by his older sister Minerva, she tells him to follow her outside there was someone out there needing help with no questions asked Malakian dose as she says but did suggest they should tell everyone else, but Minerva insisted they go and didn't have time to tell them. Following her, she takes him pretty far away from the house and even out of town at this point Malakian was getting super suspicious but before he could think anymore suddenly, they were attacked by a bunch of bandits. They both knew how to fight but Malakian was very inexperienced and mainly relied on Minerva but when things got bad, she turned against Malakian and attacked him. He was beaten down till he can't move anymore then was left to die out there in the dark forest it was cold and dark Malakian thought he was going to die once everything faded to black it seemed to be over. However, hours later Malakian had reawaken in the medical bay with all his family there waiting for him expect for Minerva, he was super happy to see them, but Malakian was not able to remember what had happened besides bits and pieces after that day something didn't seem right to him and as for his sister Minerva, she didn't seem to be the same either. A couple years go by Malakian was now attending the same school his sister went to at the age of 19 in hopes becoming a warrior he had made plenty of new friends one being Rosie Miura she was just a little younger than him, while he was there it such a great experience for him all around. However, things were suddenly had to be put on hold due to the unfortunate circumstances, a war had broken out with his race and some invaders that threated their entire home. Wanting to defend his home Malakian joins the fray along with his friends and his sister the family was proud of Malakian and Minevra for wanting to help fight for their home. During this long fight things turned from bad to worse faster than anyone expected many Arhins have died along of most of Malakian's friends luckily Rosie and Minevra made it out safe and sound. The war went on for 3 years till they finally push the invaders back it was a great day, but Malakian was never the same after the whole thing. The war had taken such a toll on Malakian that even when it was all over, and he was home with his family Malakian would have nightmares and never could get a good night sleep. Remembering the plans his family had for him Malakian realized, he wasn't ready for such a responsibility with a heavy heart he tells them as such and soon left after that and disappears. Malakian had lost contact with his family for a very long time even with Rosie, when he was 27 Malakian had suddenly reappeared but nowhere near the same as he used to be, he had become a merchant didn't tell his family or friends they had to find out on their own and Malakian still doesn't visit home or talk to them he was actively avoiding them except for Rosie. Malakian has been living the life of a commoner down in of the lowest ranked towns being [needs a name] and he seemed to be content with it.


Ability information

His voice:  Shiro's Best Space Dad Moments | DREAMWORKS VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER - YouTube