


5 years, 4 months ago


Adoptable purchased by my from Lunathyst on DA. Art and design by Lunathyst on DA.

She is a Dextroluma, a Closed Species owned by Lunathyst on DA

As a result you cannot make your own.

Eirwen has Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary traits.

Traits include:

  • Pure
  • Arctic Region
  • Legendary crystal material horns
  • Legendary amount of horns
  • Legendary fin placement
  • Rare baubles
  • Uncommon fins
Eirwen is a welsh name meaning white snow.  Really i just picked this as it's sounds like a beautiful name.


Eirwin is what you would consider a very delicate girl. She doesn't care for anything dirty or smelly. She loves snow and ice and all things cold which just as well considering where she lives! She loves big gowns and wears them just for the sake of it. Her favourite outfit is one that human call a "wedding dress". She doesn't understand their need to only wear these gorgeous gowns once, and in fact she tends to wear hers nearly everyday! She is a peaceful girl, those who know her would say she is quite calming. She doesn't like conflict and if there is any she's right in the middle of it trying to calm it down - successfully more often than not mind you.

Dextroluma are a closed species by Lunathyst and you can not make your own.

Info on the species can be found here.