


5 years, 5 months ago




Name Blaise, Lucio (formerly)
RACE Angel, Aasimar (fallen)
Gender Cis male (he/him)
Age Approx. 4,000
DoB December 24th
Height 6ft 6in
SHIP STATUS Giselle Colombera
VOICE CLAIM Liam O'Brien, Grimoire Weiss


  • His back, his hands, and parts of his chest are covered in burns from falling from divinity.
  • When experiencing a strong emotion, his eyes show flecks of colour corresponding to the emotion he's feeling.
  • No one has ever heard it, but he has quite an evil laugh and is incredibly self conscious about it.
  • He still sometimes practices flying- but his wings do not soar and he always ends up tumbling down a hill.


  • Carrot cake
  • Coffee
  • Prisms
  • Hiking


  • Messes
  • Socializing
  • Uncomfortable shoes










  • Blaise has very little physical prowess- be it due to lack of exercise, or his age finally showing.


  • Divine Evocation. Blaise has always had a connection to fire and fire based spell casting. He is an incredibly high level wizard, which on top of his Celestial magic has made him a force to be reckoned with. 
    Signature spells: Scorching Ray, Flame Strike, Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall
  • Healing Hands. At one point, Blaise was able to perform miracles and heal people. Now... He can barely close wounds, much less heal someone of everything which ails them.
  • Necrotic Shroud. Blaise is prone to anger, and with it comes a harbinger of suffering on shattered glass wings.


Professor Blaise is a cold, callous, uncaring individual. He has a sharp tongue and a short temper- and little patience for tom foolery, joking, or small talk of any sort. He is well known for being the opposite of his school of magic. Where evocation is lively, colourful, loud; he is quiet, cold, stern to both student and staff alike, unfriendly to a sharp point, and dull of any semblance of personality. He lives a life without companionship, without attachment to anyone or anything, and so long as he keeps his walls up high; he'll be safe forever, from pain, from suffering, from the sorrow that chases him relentlessly. He was not always a shell of a person- he was once an Angel who loved unconditionally, who protected humans as part of his flock, as that was the purpose he was made for, but pain and anguish over losing his mother to someone he trusted as family caused him to smolder, to shatter, and from divinity he fell- swearing never to trust, or love, or be happy ever again. 

Part of him, however, is still divine, and it is that part of him that cannot go against what his creator's intended for him. Though he swears off emotions and attachments, he is hyper sensitive to the emotions of others around them, often becoming overwhelmed by them and experiencing them for himself. He makes displays of being rude and distant, and yet in secret he still helps others. He wears a mask of anger and pain to hide the softness that still exists underneath it all.

Stained Glass Angel

Setting: Raisel

The end of the era of creation was near when he was made. Typically creatures of the Goddesses were made separately, but to work in harmony. He, however, was crafted by both hands. A physical form given to him by the Night Mother, molded like clay from granite a stardust, kindled in the chest with a touch of her sacred flame. The Divine Mother cradled him, and breathed his first breath of life into him; gifting him, as a celebration of his birth, wings made of glass and a halo of radiant colour. He was the first creature of his kind- a Vampire in Angelic clothing, so different from the sharp Vampires of the Night Mother, so different from the soft Angels of the Divine Mother. And yet still... He was happy among his family. He, a bridge between his night siblings and day siblings, happy to go back and forth from inside and outside their flock of humans. 

For centuries he acted in both roles, a guide and a protector for humans alongside his siblings. Guiding their lessers through life as the civilization Raisel began to take shape. The humans built places of worship for his mothers, painted murals for him and his Angelic siblings, all the while his Vampiric siblings were left as unknown protectors. A by-product of their naturally shy natures, one which could not be helped. And seemingly, no one minded it. The Goddesses machinations as they planned to depart back to their Evergarden were coming finally to fruition. 

He was young too, when it all fell apart. His halo but a crest around his head, his wings not yet clean of their soft, rounded down feathers. He was on his way to report to the Night Mother after a night on the hunt with his Vampiric brethren, but he was not the only one there. One of the Vampires turned, suddenly, and stabbed the Night Mother in the back with a blade crafted by human hands, a blade that drained the energy of the Night Mother before she could react, and turned her to naught but dust in the wind. 

That was the day his life turned grey- as rage built up inside of him, faced with the overwhelming grief in the death of a Goddess and his mother at the hands of Vincent Corvus, a sibling he'd trusted for his whole life. Their mothers designed them unable to hurt one another, never able to turn on one another, so despite Blaise's rage and sorrow, there was nothing he could do about the traitor. In a fit, his flames raged and boiled, until his frail halo and wings could take no more, and shattered into a million pieces, leaving Blaise singed and flightless as Vincent made his escape.

...He walked among humans from then on. Trying to fill his duties without the voices of his mothers to guide him, trying still to be a protector outside of the flock and a guide within. But time and time again, humans learned to be selfish and abused his nature. Until he couldn't take it anymore- and closed himself off from the world. He wandered Raisel until no one knew his name anymore, until he no longer resembled the stained glass Angel in the Solgrace mural. Until he could no longer hear the voices of those devout to him. He became a teacher at a magic school when it first began- yearning for something, a place to belong, a place with rules so that he could still try to help without getting hurt. And there... He has been ever since. Waking every day the same, unchanging, in a monotone life. Even still he holds onto the past, visiting the Night Mother's shrine to pray to deaf ears, yearning for some sign from the Divine Mother that she still watched over him. Only ever finding silence and solitude, a lonely, painful existence. 




Ror Mofvuer

His sun, his mother. She breathed light into him and gave him life, and he swore to serve her and her humans, to protect them from the world. Now, he no longer hears her voice, and believes she has given up on him for his rage and anger. He has not stepped into a place of worship for her since.



Mon Mofvuer

His moon, his mother. She formed him from granite and stardust, and gave him the power of her fire, to fight alongside his Vampiric brethren. She taught him about the stars he was formed of, and promised him one some day- only for their immortal lives together to be cut short by her murder. Sometimes Blaise swears he hears her voice on the night's wind, but no longer does she come creeping from the darkness for him.


Giselle Colombera

Lasdi Murifri

She was the first thing in millennia to light a fire in his heart- to make him feel something other than grief and sadness and anger, to make him feel something that was his own. He swore to protect her as a cleric of Sa'riel, the patron of a dying faith, but found himself drawn to her again and again. Loving her finally brought colour back to his life.



Headmistress, boss

Blaise has worked at the University in Raisel for longer than she has been headmistress- and yet he respects her all the same. He is grateful for her short, curt temperament and similar avoidance of small talk. Naturally... Due to their respective Celestial and Infernal heritage, they try their best to avoid one another, but unfortunately involvement with one another is inevitable when working together, and when he and Ettore keep destroying parts of the University.


Ettore Oliver

Colleague, nuisance

Ettore has been trying very, very hard to become friends. Blaise wants absolutely nothing to do with him, in part due to his heritage, and another part due to his flippant personality. They work well together as wizards, but have a fierce rivalry for no good reason that ends in battles quite frequently.