


5 years, 6 months ago



Name Izia Unoquatrounodos
DOB December 14th
Age 34
Gender Female
Height 8'3"
Class Bipolarized Magic/Specter
Race Confusvict and Reprisoner
Role General of Death


Izia was born alone and considered a freak to both confusvicts and reprisoners. She was branded the cursed child due to her unchanging face and her gruesome bipolarization ability. To put it in a simple sense, Izia was always emitting a strange wave of energy that would kill everything in its vicinity. It was if she had a "death aura" around her pumping out cursed energy straight from the bowels of the Noull. Some could resist it, but once Izia would touch them she'd end up killing them on contact. She longs desperately to hold someone's hand, and would spend most of her life depraved of the sensation. Being cursed with this power Izia retreated into the deepest part of the Howling Abyss, a cave system near Dark Island's center. She went deeper and deeper into the abysss until she was completely alone. There were no other emotibeasts in this part of the cave, yet even so there was still...something. A voice. It called out to her whenever she tried to sleep demanding her power. It told her how she would live to see a world where power towers above all. The voice tormented her night after night until Izia sought to take her own life, but was stopped by an inquistive Caesar. He had come to the Howling Abyss in order to explore its deepest parts for his own research on the island, he had no idea that someone would actually live this deep within the abyss. He noticed how there were no other emotibeasts around for miles. Although he was not immune to the energy she expelled, he was one of they few with a will powerful enough to endure it. Caesar stuck around long enough to hear Izia's plight and learn about how her power worked. He also learned of how she was planning to take her life, this caused Caesar to jump forward almost as if he wanted to grab her hand and tell her no. She backed away before her touch could kill this curious corruton. Caesar tried convincing her that her power was not a curse, but a blessing. He told Izia she was likely the most powerful living emotibeast on Dark Island, and that her power could ensure that Dark Island would thrive for years to come. However, Izia cared not for that. She did not care for her power and instead just longed for someone to be around for her. Someone she could talk to, listen to, and share things with. Caesar seemd to understand and offered to do just that for Izia. He would come visit her time and time again each time bringing gifts to Izia to make her hideaway a real home. Caesar would tell her stories about his friends and his studies and Izia would eagerly listen to every word. The two of them began forming a very close bond, which only increased Izia's longing for hand holding, but not just any hand now, Caesar's hand. Caesar could not deny he too felt some sort of relationship forming with Izia. She was so kind to him in a way that sparked emotions in him he felt for no other. The two were both fascinated and enamored by each other and soon Izia was getting confident enough to want to finally leave the abyss, she just didn't know how to do it. Thankfully Caesar had an idea. He called upon a close friend of his, an inventor; or rather inventors named Fang, Tooth, and Dent. They were a hydread dhybrid inventor which meant three heads and three brains working to make a device that would let Izia finally roam the island without spreading death wherever she went. Caesar had not only brought the device to Izia, but revealed the invention was a steel coffin lined with arcane runes on the inside, breathing tubes, as well as rudimentary walking levers to move small metal legs across the ground. It was by far the greatest gift she had ever recieved, and with it she was finally able to meet Caesar's other friends and see Caesar's home. She took up residence in the castle and spent time as a scholarwith some of the masked corruton cultists. Then came the day of the Eclipzull coup...Izia was fuzzy on the details but knew it meant Caesar would be killing his father. He had told her how he suspected that his father Julius Eclipzull was responsible for his mother's "abscence" from his life, and that his rituals would lead Dark Island to ruin. She tried to comfort her prince, and asked if there was anything she could do to help. Each of Caesar's other friends and allies had their roles for the coup, but for Iziaa Caesar could only ask for one thing, her support. He was hesistant to move forward with this, but he knew in his heart it was for the good of the island. So when the time came to confront his father for the last time, Izia ensured him no matter what happens she would remain by his side forever. The next day a new king rose, Caesar Eclipzull. The new king promoted the friends that helped him into generals and Izia became one as well. She spent most of her time off the battlefield and worked around the castle mking sure everything worked in an orderly manner. One day however Izia noticed Caesar was acting different. Caesar came to her in a frenzy, missing an eye. She was concerned what was happening, but this turned into confusion once she learned Caesar did it to himself. She was told it was all to ensure Dark Island's future, she could tell by his voice how convicted he was, so despite better judgement, she chose to not question him about it. What she could not just brush aside was what happened next. She learned that Caesar had given up his arm as well in exchange for a dangerous prosthetic she could tell was doing something to his mind. She tried to press her beloved for more information on why he did this to himself, and so Caesar explained. The reason he did all of this, even killing his father, was because of the primal evil lurking in wait on the Island, The Glory Seeker. It appeared as slime residing under the castle but its reach was all over the island trying to seep its way into everyone to make them a part of its power. He told her how some even say that it could call out to people, asking them for their power. Izia wanted to say something, but before she could she could feel something touching he hand. It was Caesar, but it wasn't his hand, it was that prosthetic hand he had made. Caesar tried to tell Izia how he would do everything to protect his empire and friends, but most importantly her. However his voice simply became white noise to her. She had waited so long to feel the touch of Caesar's hand but this...was not what she wanted. She was afraid and confused, but even so in her eyes this was still Caesar, so why didn't she relish in this moment? The Caesar she fell in love with was hanging on a thread and close to disappearing completely. Izia loved Caesar too much to just leave him like this so she decided to stay by his side and continue to serve as one of his generals. She hopes that one day the Caesar she loves will come back and that this twisted version he's become will be all but a memory.


Home Howling Abyss
Alignment Neutral Evil
Sign Sagitarius
Weakness Has to remain in place
Food Unknown
Family Unknown



  • Gowns
  • Coffins
  • Meditation
  • Hand Holding


  • Isolation
  • Make-up
  • Circus
  • Mirrors


  • Izia's voice has a natural reverb to it.
  • Caesar's new arm is the only "hand" she's ever held without instantly killing the person.
  • Izia's name comes from her birth date. I is One, Z is two, and A is four.
  • Caesar has theorized Izia's energy field would be active even if she were to die.




Diane Young 
Float On 
Crazy Bus 
