


5 years, 6 months ago


Volchar (pl. Volchars)

A space-faring species of long-lasting flame people. They are shapeshifters that take a permanent, but malleable form, their features being influenced by their environment. Their bodies consist of an elastic magma-like substance, and technically, they are not considered "living", though they are animate. They have no breath, heartbeat, or need for sustenance asides from fuel to maintain their heat. They are capable of living up to 400 years, after which their bodies begin to deteriorate.

Their default external temperature is 100 degrees Celsius, and their internal is around 300 degrees Celsius. Their external temperature can go up even as high as 2000 degrees. They always externally display a fire source in the form of flame-like hair, which can be fueled by flammable fluids to increase their heat, or extinguished by large volumes of water.

They have no sex or gender. Volchars reproduce via combination of multiple individuals to form one, large parent ("Blaze"), from which multiple children split ("Flares"). Typically, the amount of Flares ranges from 10 to 30. Blazes have what seems to be an one-way empathic link with their Flares, and they are rumored (and confirmed) to be able to detect their children's suffering from across the universe. A Blaze's responsiveness to this varies, however. Some can be protective, while others can ignore their paternal instincts.