Emerson Brewer



5 years, 5 months ago


He is about 5’4ish and has light brown/sandy blond hair.

His full name is Emerson Marcello Brewer and he’s a 19 year old college sophomore (because i don’t know the British term rip) from London. He’s a big ol goodie two shoes and is really annoying to the other students because he makes it his purpose as a member of student council to keep everyone in line. Hence, why he gets beat up a lot. His dad wants him to take over the family business of running one of the largest breweries in the UK, but he secretly really wants to be a vigilante. He works really hard to make his dad proud with his grades, and because that takes up so much of his time, he doesn’t have too many friends. That and he’s kind of a massive prick. Things are rather normal until he meets Crispin, no that’s not his real name, a strangely interesting 21 year old with several odd jobs. Crispin has a history of petty crimes and shoplifting, everything that Emerson hates, but because he’s so charming and won’t let anyone know his real name unless they stick around, Emerson decides to get to know him. His life gets exciting fast, and before he knows what’s happened, Emerson realizes he’s got a real friend at last.

Fun facts!

- when scared or nervous he gets cocky and acts way tougher than he actually is

- despite what everyone believes, he has good morals and isn’t rich (he’s middle class)

- he has a very fiery attitude and gets into a fair amount of fights for standing up for what he believes in