Corvus Damore



5 years, 9 months ago


(image credit to nadroj)

Your name is CORVUS DAMORE, and sometimes you miss the days when you USED TO BE A THIEF, but a lot has happened since then, so you mostly just stick to PEOPLEWATCHING AND SOCIALIZING now.

Your handle is rampaciousAirling and **yöü ӓdd ӓ lїttlё ёxtrӓ spӓrklё tö yöür wörds.**

Lusus: Magpiedad (Marius)

Blood: cerulean (1E3E88)

Strife: knifekind

Age: 11 sweeps

Gender: male (he/him)

Sexuality: pansexual (male preference but really not that picky)

Ancestor: the Diamante


Title: Heir of Light

Moon: Prospit

Land of: Faults and Transience

Appearance: 6’2" with pretty broad shoulders and a long-legged, athletic build. Angular pretty boy face and an easy smile, short thick hair that he styles, various horn cuffs on each side. V-neck tshirt and a leather jacket with silver chains around his neck, close fitting dark jeans. Has his ears/tongue pierced and a cuff on his right ear, black bands tattooed around his upper arms, a set of purple shark jaws between his shoulders and a red feather on his wrist. Fairly covered in scars, especially heavy on his shoulders/sides/back.


  • Generally one of the most sweet-tempered highbloods you could hope to meet, dislikes unnecessary violence/fighting/conflict. Fairly upbeat, often charismatic, friendly and easygoing with everyone in general, does his best to be honest and sincere, rarely holds grudges. Fairly witty problem-solver, smarter than everyone gives him credit for. 
  • Very fond of shiny things and glitter, has a large hive but mostly just stays up in his room while the other rooms accumulate treasure.
  • Used to steal from people for the thrill of it but has kind of renounced his ways and only takes either things that are unwanted or unneeded, if at all.
  • Also used to be really big into FLARP - he was pretty well renowned for his skill, but things got a little complicated and he quit.
  • Struggles with self-image/self-esteem. He acts cool but wrestles with the idea that he’s off-putting and people don’t like him much. Gets reclusive when he’s upset, covers up his insecurity with joking and kindness to others.
  • Very generous with everything he has to give - time, attention, money, etc. Big fan of random acts of kindness, loves getting to know new people and is genuinely interested in hearing about them and their thoughts/interests/experiences
  • Loves to sing/whistle/dance when he’s in a good mood.
  • Daywalker who likes wandering the city streets in the sunlight and watching the sun rise/set from his perch.
  • He has a lot rings which he twists when he’s nervous or thinking, as well as a ton of other jewelry which it’s rare to see him without.
  • Very very poly, can be kind of flirty just for the fun of it.
  • Nervous around seadwellers, trying to cope with a variety of mental illnesses that don’t play well together




   (Picture Perfect)

   (Silver Lining)

   (Model Behavior



Nessun Prydae - Forever and always. A close friend from your younger sweeps. She disappeared for a while without warning, popped up again, and when she still seemed unable to stand you, disappeared once more. But one doesn’t just forget their first love.

Sugara Agyros - Salt in the wound. Your ex-moirail. He was maybe not the best for you all the time, but you find yourself reminiscing a lot and wishing he was still around. He did keep you alive for a little while. You hope he’s enjoying living his dreams.

Lenywa Ulinzi - Deserves better. Your ex-mate. It’s a sore subject and you honestly hope he finds someone who makes him happier than you did; he was never anything but good to you and he deserves that much.

Eirein Sablya - No words. He’s dead now. You’ll never forget him. You couldn’t if you tried; he’s in your bones.

Qa’ayin Erelim - Acta est fabula. You think you did the right thing. You hope you did the right thing. You don’t know if there was a right thing at all. But it didn’t feel like it was getting better, and you couldn’t let things keep going like that. 

Blaria Noctua - Lost feather. It’s not that she wasn’t good to you. She was lovely, and very good at her job, and you do love her. But you can only go so long feeling like you don’t have anything to offer, and things started to get unbalanced

Galeos Magelo - Sunken ship.You’ve learned some things just don’t seem to work out as time goes on. No matter what, though, he changed your life for the better; you wouldn’t be where you are now without that relationship.

Fenrir ?????? - Guard dog. You never thought you’d get here, with how prickly he’s always been - turns out he’s actually kind of soft on the inside, and the hard part was just getting in. He’s a very lowkey moirail, and you’re careful not to overwhelm him, but he’s protective and loyal and caring in his quiet way, and you know exactly how much his trust means.

Caelon Zaheth - Roll of the dice. A FLARP enthusiast who decided that you were his idol. It made you feel responsible for him - not that you minded that bit so much as the fact that you’re absolutely the last person anyone should idolize. He’s figured that out now, so you don’t know where you stand, but you’ll still be there if he needs you.

Valeri Sereno - Sk8r m8. Your pint-sized and perfectly adorable matesprit. There was a bit of a learning curve, but you’ve worked your way through the sticking points together. You understand each other better and can be more honest with each other, and know you’ll have each other’s backs through the ups and downs.

Arvenn Cirsim - Thorn in your side. You don’t feel pitch for people ever, really. Not since - well. So this is kind of new. As you two have kept interacting, though, you find yourself more and more into him, and it’s a surprisingly good feeling, especially now that you’re on the same page. You’ll keep things casual, but you definitely don’t want to stop seeing him, tabloid gossip or no.

Kamora Celina - IRL mermaid. This girl is awfully sweet. You haven’t met a whole lot of trolls kinder and gentler than you, but she definitely notches that achievement. She has a pet duck, for god’s sake. You’re glad she’s a free troll now, and will be happy to help her again with whatever she needs moving forward.

Jedric Nujack - Smooth operator. A fellow Instagrubber you made friends with. You’re clearly very different people, in spite of outward appearances, but he’s a cool guy and you like chatting with him. He’s funny with an interesting perspective and a penchant for easy flirtation; you’ve kept up with people for less.

Shay ?????? - Mr. Roboto. He’s not a robot! He is in fact a very friendly and compassionate troll, with some robotic parts. You’ve been able to sympathize with each other’s struggles, since it seems you tend to handle things the same way. Kind of nice when someone gets it.

Kuruda Ampier - Star power. Your penchant for quad flipping strikes again - but this time it’s seemed to work out. He’s a very passionate matesprit, not to mention gorgeous, and the two of you seem to strike a good balance between needing and giving affection. You’ve learned more about each other, and you feel secure and loved.

Opalin Evelie - Blunt force. Boy do you two have a lot in common! A lot. In common. You’re flexible enough to keep her company through whichever mood she’s riding, and it mostly seems like you’ve got enough empathy and feelings for the both of you. So really, it works out pretty well.

Geniva Yutiko - Lizard aficionado. Like, okay, he’s also a cop. But that hasn’t played into your interactions with him much. He’s mostly just a cheery, friendly dude - to the point it’s infectious. You’re a fan, and you like all his little quirks and talents and the little nuggets of wisdom he shares.

Waydde Veilos - Punk’s not dead.He flip flops pretty unpredictably from charming to goofy to kind of an asshole, or any combination thereof. You like him nonetheless, and it certainly helps that he’s cute, even if he doesn’t think so. He strikes you as someone who is more than what they seem, and at the very least he seems pretty smart.