Shuuyi Wukong



5 years, 6 months ago


[credit teamstarlightcollectors]

Your name is SHUUYI WUKONG, though you usually go by SHUU, and you’re a ONE MAN DELIVERY SERVICE for anyone who needs a little less red tape around their SENSITIVE CARGO. Your prices are a bit steep, but the cash flow lets you LIVE A LITTLE when you’re not on the job.

Your handle is illustriousFleetfoot and you’re –read¥-for-some-action!– 

Lusus: four armed gibbon

Blood: jade (048054)

Strife: staff, handgun

Age: ?? sweeps

Gender: male (he/him)

Sexuality: bi 

Ancestor: ????????

Appearance: 5'10" with a fit, well muscled build. Covered in geometric blackwork tattoos with gold accents. Notable gibbon fangs. Hair in a topknot with shaved sides, gold eyeliner, gold piercing in his right eyebrow, tongue piercing, and dermals at his hips. Sticks to sleek athletic wear when he’s working, often pulling a black mask over the lower half of his face; prefers fashionable streetwear when he’s off the job, favoring fitted pants and layering on top, usually with a flashy jacket. Always A+ sneakers; wears sunglasses regularly. 


  • Courier/runner. He will deliver anything, immediately and by hand, without question. No qualms about what he’s delivering, to who, or why; just give him the where and when. He’s carried drugs, grubs, sensitive documents, rebel materials, lunch orders - whatever. Utilizes a lot of freerunning to navigate the city he operates in, to avoid the masses.
  • Highly acrobatic, practices hand to hand in his spare time.
  • An ego far bigger than he deserves for his caste; put a crown on him and he’ll sit back like he deserves it. His confidence is earned to a degree, just not necessarily to the level he takes it.
  • His work is the only thing he takes at all seriously. Everything else is just about having fun and enjoying the ride; he’s not known for being particularly considerate of others.
  • In spite of all his fooling around, he’s very clever, and has a sense for evil and malevolence, though he doesn’t tend to act on it.
  • Money is a big motivator. He’s not hurting for cash, he just loves being paid, and will frankly take payment for all sorts of arbitrary things. Give him 30 caegars to take his shirt off? Done. 
  • Minor oral fixation, often chewing toothpicks. 
  • Known to engage in graffiti when he’s bored.


Valeri Sereno - Lunch special. She’s made herself a regular customer since she first took advantage of your delivery service. She’s also sought you out for more personal interactions, too. You’re happy to hang out with her, although there seem to be some regular hiccups; if she changes her mind, it won’t be the end of the world.

Verita Duvray - Clientele.She’s fine, you guess. Your type on the surface, but less so underneath. You don’t hang around her so much now that you do regular work for her, but her work is regular, so she has your number.