


5 years, 6 months ago


Velvet is spec twin sister. But she is everything her brother isn’t cruel cold and ruthless. She may have been saved from the anger of her clan. But she was raised by rather. Leaning and training under him to grow into the perfect weapons the perfect commander. Wraith may not seem the fatherly type and he isn’t but he is a skilled leader that protects his assets as best he can.  He raised Velvet as a student and decibel next to his other ward silver. The two grew up like sisters. And like sister the two did fight. Sibling rivalry but far more violent. It got so bad as they fought for wraith attention he did take precautions setting spells on both of them forbidding them from killing each other. Though that didn’t stop severely hurting each other.

While Velvet grew and fought and trained. She came into her magic. A very dark variant of vampires controlling magic. She realized  she had the power to blood bend. Able to weapons her own blood in to blades and shields and complete control over others very mussels after a simple taste of there blood.  This was a dark gift. And a dangerous power for one as smart and mentally capably as velvet. She started only being able to control one person at a time then 2 then3 then 50. The more she practiced the stronger her ability and will over others become. Soon able to command entire armies with a thought. The main drawback of such a power will. When she is using it on more then a hand full of people she is immobilized herself. Often laying down in an armored coffin while she controls her puppets to keep her safe.

with her new power and wraith blessing. Velvet went back to the clan that would have killed her. The clan that marked her as week for being a girl and worthless for being an impure. She went back and murdered everyone that stood in her way. Making those that challenged her kill them self in front of the other spineless vampire hiding behind there champion.  She murder killed and controlled. Taking her place as the queen of both clans. Forcing and combining both her mothers and father clans together into a new stronger regiment. There was no one able to oppose her. Yet there where those she would listen to for guidance her uncle Vlad. Who displease by her bloody path new there was really no other way for her to earn the vampires respect. Wraith the person who raised and trained her to fend for her self. A few other have also earned her respect but they are far and in between. Even thought all this she still kept her health rivalry with silver who in her adult live had made it a habit to try and steal from the clan. As a the queen velvet couldn’t allow such things.

As the clan queen velvet takes her job seriously seeing to the well being of her own clan as well as vampire kind as a whole. Taking it above her self to correct ruthless rampaging vampires giving there kind a bad name as well as any goody too shoes hunter that targets those of her clan. Velvet does under stand vamps must feed and people are afraid of vampires but she will not tolerate needless killing of food sources or of her army. With her amazing power there not much velvet doesn’t find out. And is often free to indulge her own interest of petty theft and sparing with worthy opponents. She love the challenge of breaking in to places. Even when it does get her in trouble. There not much that can dampen velvet blood binding.  Her power is all mental. Thought her body can be hurt thought the normal vampire means salt holy water, blessed objects. Her mind is a completely other matter. Even drugged and hampered velvets will is iron clad and her focus un breakable. You might be able to contain her torcher her. But you can not kill her for she has wraith blessing. And it’s only a matter of time until she get her minions to break her out.