Shingo Fukui (1- Tsukiingo (Tsukki x Shingo))



5 years, 9 months ago



At this moment...

At the actual moment of the manga, they still are couple. Their relationship gets stronger day by day supporting the other and both of them making the other grow up and discovers more things about the other in the love area.
Creator: Jayden
Layout by Jayden • Image by Unknown


A love that came from the childish days and it gets stronger day by day
NameKei Tsukishima and Shingo Fukui


GenderMale and Female


RelationshipFallen in Love/In a relationship.

When Shingo was eight years old, her family (consisting of her father and herself) moved to the same neighbourhood as Tsukki. She went to the same middle school alongside Tsukki and Yamaguchi, eventually the three of them became close friends. But when Tsukki's personality changes, Shingo is confused about how to act with him but at the end she decides still be the same with him.

At the age of 14, Shingo realizes that she has romantic feelings for Tsukki. However, she didn't act on it until their last year in middle school. Tsukki also developed feelings for her and accepted her confession as he thinks that his world basically consisted of Shingo and Yamaguchi. He also feels that Shingo is the only girl that knows everything about him. (1)

Tsukii often calls her "stupid" however this has lessen over the course of their dating status. Their relationship is considered to be rather" slow paced" as they seem to be close friends than actual lovers because Tsukki is not a person good at initiating contact (or Tsukki is not a" hands on" person) and Shingo respects that. She is very supportive of him however she is known to annoy him once in a while which Tsukki often ignores. When he however does respond, it is usually with a rather salty comment. Due to how much Shingo does know him, she knows that he wasn't 100% serious. 

Both have a competitive way with the other with videogames, cause Shingo loves play them and sometimes drags Tsukki to play with her. Shingo is used to lose a lot of times against him, and he enjoys so much see her desesperated expressions and make fun about it, but sometimes he say her things like "Maybe next time you can win" or "I can lose in purpose if you want".

In Shingo's perspective, she views Tsukii as "cool", "intimidating(to others)", and sees herself as the best person/girl to manage him. She does get jealous however she often holds her temper as she enjoys seeing tsukki reject other girls. (2)
To Tsukki, Shingo is someone "calming". She is someone who can follow his sassy/ salty commetaries and actually enjoy them. She is someone who knows him fully and someone trustworthy but at the same time, she is someone who is a "mystery" worthy of his curiosity and attention.
The begining of their relationship is rather slow paced. Shingo is usually the affectionate one who makes the small steps such as holding hands, kissing, and sometimes messing with him. Tsukki is usually more relaxed but sometimes asks for her affections and he does however enjoy teasing Shingo as he loves making her blush and laughs about it.

Shingo is part of the cooking club which usually ends late (But before the volleyball club) so she often waits for Tsukki and Yamaguchi to finish their training so that they could go home together. Whenever she does bring baked good, she will offer them to the volleyball members.

As Tsukki starts to gain more practice matches and training camps, their relationship starts to become distanced. When Shingo notices it, she feels sadness but she accepts it with a smile as she wishes the best for Tsukki, saying that she is willing to wait for him. Meanwhile she will practice to be better at their favorite video game, cooking, and studying.

During the camp training where all of them are giving their best and Tsukki refuses to do it, Shingo keeps contact with Tsukki by SMS, however she notices his answers are usually very short and sometimes non existent.
In fact, it wasn’t normal for him act like this when they chat, there were even some moments where he wanted sleep but stayed awake until Shingo fells sleep.
That attitude of him made Shingo very worried and overthink that something bad happened to him, blaming herself for not being with him if something happened. Due to this being the first time they were in a situation, Shingo didn't know what to do, the only thing that she could think of was to ask Yamaguchi by SMS, who unfortunately was not able to explain much.
At the end Yamaguchi is the one who made Tsukki be focused again and when Tsukki comes back, Shingo asked about how the training camp went and if something bad happened. Tsukki then sat with her to explain his feelings during the camp, and Shingo responded as well by explaining how she was worried and how she asked for Yamaguchi's help.
This make them become closer as pair and made them support and encourage the other even if Shingo is the one that shows it the most. 

When the match with Shiratorizawa happens, Shingo notices how Tsukki changed, with volley and also with her, as he’s more relaxed and even more expressive with her. But at the same time Shingo notices at how incredible Tsukki is, how he advances in big steps and how with the time he will be a genius (at her eyes). When Tsukki is called by Shiratorizawa for the intensive training, Shingo notices that she isn’t walking at Tsukki’s path, and assumes that she will eventually be a burden for him, thinking things like “Before we were equal, Tsukki is better than me, but with effort I could catch him, but now I can’t”

When Tsukki needed to stay at Shiratorizawa’s made Tsukki realized that he misses Shingo more than before making his thoughts fly over to her in free times. When the practises end, they send their usual SMS and sometimes he even calls her. At the same time, Shingo feel the separation more than before but take this time to think over on what more to do for him, and this is when she starts to contact with the ex members of voley club to ask to go with them to Tokyo.
This is the first time that Shingo actually thinks more about the future, not only in the present like she always do.
When he returns from the camp, Shingo jumps on him happily. After Tsukki notices something odd with her, both of them have another conversation where Shingo admitted to him about all her doubts about becoming a burden and how she managed to go to Tokyo, at the same time, he say her how much missed her making them take more seriously their relationship.

Tsukki isn’t very romantic, but he starts to show more of his feelings and how he feels about her after he finds himself (3) Even starting to open a bit to the others, while Shingo develops a longer patience and adapts herself to Tsukki, like she’s used too. Shingo is more to words and actions, Tsukki is more to actions than words...


    (1)   That's the part that I was afraid of, have the pairing started from the beginning. Maybe I didn't expressed all the best I could. But I think if Shingo wasn't here for him since long ago, make the pairing during the manga, won't work until the manga will end. Basically cause Tsukii is a close person, but keep what is dear to him, in his heart... I mean... he's always with Yamaguchi, even if maybe is bit harsh with him sometimes, is obvious he is his friend and care of him in his way

    (2)   Info taken from Yamaguchi's info

    (3)   Middle of Shiratorizawa’s match.




    -          Shingo loves videogames and usually drags Tsukii with her to have a competition, sometimes both of them take them too serious and end doing silly bets like the looser will do something the other want or prepare breakfast (Thing that Tsukii always avoid cause Shingo is horrible cooking).

    -          Shingo is very supportive with him, always try to go to every official voleyball match and he supports Shingo with her cook club and accept taste what Shingo prepare even if he knows won’t taste nice, that changes when Shingo had some practises at her cook club.

    -          How he's very serious Shingo loves do silly things for make him laugh, he tries to ignore her and call her stupid but sometimes ends laughing and is when Shingo feels the happiest girl in the world. 

    -          Shingo likes send silly SMS when they aren't together, and sometimes they text the other during hours, that's fatal for Shingo when needs study. Luckily Tsukki isn’t affected by that.

    -          Shingo loves walk under the rain, but Tsukii is always scolding her for be irresponsable, sometimes he achieves her staying under the umbrella, others Shingo drags Tsukii under the rain, as consequence, both may caugh a cold. 

    -          When Tsukii isn't using them, Shingo "steals" his headphones and hear his music. Sometimes, Shingo brings her earphones and both listen music together. Shingo added some songs to his list, some too sweet for his taste. 

    -          Sometimes she brings Tsukii his fav drinking while they are training, he usually doesn't notice her until the end of training but even if doesn't show it much he's happy to see her in the gym.  

    -          Shingo loves play with Tsukii's glasses, but when she put them always ends being dizzy.

    -          Shingo only cries in front of Tsukii, and some rare times in front of Yamaguchi. Tsukii never knows what to do when she cries cause isn’t used to see her crying, but allow her do it putting his arms on her shoulders and hearing her. Then he always try to help her with the most soft words he can find, even if sometimes he’s bit too harsh making her cry harder. After that he always sighs and say sorry trying to find another way to say things even if it’s hard for him.

    -          Tsukii’s brother Akiteru and Shingo get along very well. Shingo and him can chat happily and make jokes to the other. Shingo knows what happened with Akiteru basically cause were with Yamaguchi and Tsukii in the fatal moment but never said something, thinking that is something between Akiteru and Tsukki. Akiteru silently is grateful with her for not change her attitude.