Basic Info


War “Vayna Krov”




War or Vayna as she is called in her native Russian. War has taken on a Russian Accent as of the last few centuries. She finds Russian to be a violent culture. She is originally a creation from God to bring the end of days but War just kinda wanted to cause as much War Of and Chaos as possible not caring to work with her fellow horseman. Despite being a cold hearted bitch,War is the most human of all the horsemen. She hates humans and feels they deserve punishment but at the same mourns the deaths she causes. She is a flawed creation who does express feelings more then her brethren. Her fellow horsemen hate her for being female. To them females are weak.


booze,vodka,swearing in russian,beer drinking contests,a good cup of coffee,reading about human publisings of war,crass or blunt jokes,boxing matches,wrestling match's.Rom-coms,Horror Movies(the bloodier the better),Marvel and DC Comics and movies,Dirty jokes,hanging out with guys,her collection of firearms and weapons both current and vintage




her male horseman counterparts,being treated poorly by men,cold nights,spiders,cats,an empty beer bottle laying around.


-always carries a bowie knive in her pocket and a small glock

-her favorite brand of vodka is smirnoff

-she secretly loves goth stuffed animals

-when stressed she will smoke a few cigs

-She loves studying human observations of war although she herself cause most of it

-She's friends with Ares the Greek God of War and is a good drinking buddy of hers

-leave trash or bottles on the floor and she will get pissed.

-she cares about the earth as much as she hates it

-She's an avid fan of Pro Wrestling,Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts

-has a black belt 5 different martial arts

-knows how to use any weapon

-can't die but can be hurt


War can be a cold-hearted bitch but as been known to show kindness to those she finds worthy of it. She prefers to hang with guys rather than men. She loves to make crass and offensive job. She’s always happy to get into a fist fight or watch one of her favorite sports


the female personification of War of the Seven Horsemen of the Apocalyse(spelled that wrong)