


5 years, 4 months ago


"They are v rare!!
Because they live reaaally long and only make babies once in their life (and mate for life!!)
Many of em are solitary and live in forests or mountains or even under the sea, but if they're mated, the pair lives together and raise their pup.

They can grow to huge sizes. Wee babs are about the size of the cat, but adults vary greatly in size.

They are sentient/sapient and can learn human language if they spend time around them.
They can also be literate.
They have no need for clothes because they're super fluff, but I don't think they'd be object to wearing clothes or a saddle or something.

Babies are birthed live.

Jinoo have varied diets depending on personal preference or where they live.

Their fur is very dense and plush and usually waaarrrmm.
They also have rly soft paws and faces, peachfuzzy with warm, soft noses.

UHm uhm.. they fly kindof like Falcor or a lung dragon, just kindof noodle in the sky."