
5 years, 6 months ago


Base Game

In her early life, Feyn would have been content to remain in the  Celadon Forest for all eternity. But the visions in her dreams and the pull of the outside world could not be ignored; whatever her Wyld Hunt was, it lay outside the comfort of home. As she traveled, she let her intense optimism and determination guide her, making it her goal to help  anyone and everyone she could. Her efforts were often betrayed by her  underlying naïveté, but the sincerity she displayed made her far more friends than enemies.

Eventually coming to realize the objective of her Wyld Hunt - to fight the corruption of the Elder Dragons across the world - Feyn  proudly served the Pact as a member of the Vigil. Though she believes  more in the protection of innocents than in head-on conflict, she is nonetheless willing to bring her skills to fight the dragons’ minions wherever they appear. After the defeat of Zhaitan, she stepped away from her duties in the Pact in favor of travelling with her companions Bato  and Gheli, hoping to help the people of Tyria with problems a large army couldn't solve.

LW1, 2 and Heart of Thorns

The three would travel together for months before the news began to  spread across Tyria: Mordremoth, the great jungle dragon, had reawoken.  The Pact was gearing up to engage a new campaign into the depths of the  Maguuma Jungle, and Feyn felt she needed to join them, even as Bato and  Gheli stayed behind to tend to their own duties at home. The incursion  would only result in disaster as a terrible truth was revealed: the sylvari were originally created to be Mordremoth's minions. Now awakened, the Jungle Dragon took control of hundreds of Sylvari in the pact, sinking the entire fleet of airships and taking countless lives. Feyn managed to survive the crash and resist Mordremoth's call, but as  she struggled to survive in the alien jungle, she slowly felt his voice  creeping deeper and deeper into her mind.

Bato and Gheli, having been alerted to the disaster, braved the  jungle to found her; Feyn was convinced they were a vision from Mordremoth to confuse her, but they were able to convince her before she seriously hurt them. Left with little other choice, the three remained  in the jungle to aid the Pact in its fight to survive. The trio met with  Pact Commander Runa Wyrmsdottir, who assigned them to join her companions Marjorie, Kasmeer, Rox, Taimi, Canach, Rytlock and Braham to track after Caithe and retrieve Glint's egg. Upon their success, Feyn felt an odd attachment to the egg, but was put it out of her mind due to the continuing threat of the mordrem.

On a later mission, Feyn and Runa were cornered in the deep jungle, surrounded and outnumbered by dragon minions. While hiding, Runa  revealed to Feyn that before the fleet had crashed, she had recieved a vision from the Spirits of the Wild which told her that Feyn was meant to lead the Pact to victory, not her. Seizing an opprotunity, Runa sacrificed herself so that Feyn could escape, trusting her with her command sigil as proof of her right to lead.

While some were initially suspicious, Feyn proved her mettle with the  support of her friends and fellow leaders, delving into the Dream to confront Mordremoth's very mind while Bato and Gheli joined a diversionary assault on the heart of the jungle. Through their combined efforts, the Jungle Dragon was defeated once and for all.

[maybe someday I'll write the rest who knows!]