Faye & River



5 years, 5 months ago


"Ethereal Companions"

Faye and River are the ultimate companions. They're like kin, even though they are very different. They have a deep understanding of each other and they make up for each other's shortcomings and faults which makes them one. They don't care what the world says about them, be it they are demon spawns or a god's mistake to make them exist in this world, just as long they have each other, they're complete.

Faye is a dragon incarnate. She may be a spirit, a deity, an abomination, no one knows. They reside in the deep forest, avoiding contact with any human being. Her existence is feared because of the curse written all over her body. Other than that, she possesses a skill wherein whoever looks directly into her eyes will see their greatest fear- mostly associated with death. Therefore to avoid any instance, she wears a mask. Her eyes are exceptionally sharp, other than it has its own power, she can see things with perfect vision and great distance; even when covered. Faye uses a an ancient staff as a weapon, said to be given by her guardian, that has sharp bones in each edge.

River is a living forest spirit that has created an eternal bond with Faye. He has strong legs that can travel as fast as the wind, and a strong tail to swim like the rushing waters. He uses his keen sense of smell to identify heat waves and scent when it comes to 'seeing' his surroundings; his eyes are of little use because he's practically blind. River has a calm temperament, always poised, graceful, and collected. But when aggravated, his leaf-like antlers and his tail reveal spines that inject poisonous venom. He also has fangs that he may use as a last resort may it be for offense, but mostly for defense.

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