nigiri shi



5 years, 6 months ago


Name nigiri shi
Age forty eight
Gender male
Height five"ten
Build lean curves
Race inkling
Role renowned fashion idol






  • uses an n-zap, though not for turf war games.  
  • absolutely does not condone the harm of children; there will be hell to pay if he finds out people haven't been listening to his rules regarding that. 
  • frequents a private bdsm club to visit his sugar baby. he's a dominant bottom.
  • the youngest to take a seat on the council that governs surface affairs, in the more 'private' affairs. 
  • speaks octarian and knows of the going-ons under the surface. fully aware of his octoling heritage. 
  • a big advocate against sexual violence and trafficking. 


There's hardly a person that doesn't know Nigiri Shi's name; and if they don't, they must be living under a rock! He's been at the top of the fashion world for years, taking inkopolis by storm ever since he hit the scene in his twenties. He's known for being an over the top creative with no limit to how far he'll go to oo and awe the public. The people want entertainment and he'll give it to them! 

He's collaborated with many idol groups, actors, big name companies, private socialites and etc. He seems to have his hand in a bit of everything but still retains humility and a charming public persona. He often organizes charity events and galas; he supports up and coming creatives and the starry eyed youth. 

Some people love him and some people think he oughta leave already - but he's here to stay and he's got a lot more tricks up his sleeve before he's ready to bow out! 



  • a very specific coffee order
  • organization + order 
  • high end living + luxury
  • a cozy night: candles, bath, movie. 


  • disobedience  
  • too many sweets
  • oversharing / emotional things
  • disregard for life


damn if he can't roll a good ass joint

being a fashion icon, he's rather good at, yknow, fashion stuff. coordinating, sewing, etc. 

charisma out the ass, cunning, manipulative, careful planning with quick improvisational skills.
a way of sweet talking or downright intimidating people. he's got 


He allows the public to know some of his background (he lived beyond the city before moving closer to peruse a career in fashion, where he then worked hard to make his own line and become the success he is today) but a lot of his more intimate history is kept to himself. He's good at keeping his past under wraps and stopping would be snoops from getting too far into his business; whether that be from pleasant redirection in conversation or with more.. forceful means. 

Nigiri is a very private man under his charismatic public face. 

- - - 

Born to an inkling mother and an octoling father, Nigiri resembles his mother in species. His father disappeared under curious circumstances, leaving his mother to raise him. She did for a time until she too vanished one day in the market. Still a child at the time, Nigiri tried to ask for help finding his mommy; but to no avail. He would return home and wait to see if she'd come back but she never did. Left alone at a tender age, he couldn't rightfully take care of himself; but luckily for him a group of street kids formed by those that had also been abandoned or otherwise orphaned took him in. 

He ran with that group for a while, slowly acclimating to his new found family. Even at a young age, Nigiri was very cunning. While most of the kids were content to do small misdemeanors to survive, Nigiri thought they could do better. Why coast through life when they could do even better. His ambitions led him to becoming the unanimously appointed leader of the pack and for a time, they did great. 

But he got too cocky and raised too much attention for himself and his family. Soon enough they had the crime lord of that area breathing down their necks and furious at them for encroaching on his turf. Rather than let his family be hurt and too confident in his abilities to swindle this goon too, Nigiri tried to make a deal. However he soon learned that he was way over his head when the Boss kept throwing everything he had right back at him. He amused him though, and in the end that may have been what saved his family: he was given a choice, Die with the rest of em or Become his and leave them behind. 

So for the next handful of painstakingly long years, he lived with the Boss as his plaything, and in return his family was spared for their actions against him. 

Nigiri's ambitions didn't stop though. If anything, the torturous life he hazily waded through only fueled his desire to have More. More influence, more power, MORE. He would accept his place beside the Boss and do as he was bid until he was so irreplaceable that the Boss couldn't function without him. He took his time coiling his way into the man's heart and festering there, whispering sweet nothings to him as he simultaneously plotted his downfall. 

The day would eventually come that Nigiri set off a gang uprising and usurped the Boss. He showed no mercy in executing anyone who stood against him and the seat as top dog of the streets. He was the new Boss and he had a lot of plans for this bit of turf... 

- - 

Fast forward a bit and Nigiri is in his twenties. He's taken the surface's criminal scene by storm and has shown an absolute ruthlessness that has even the toughest of customers second guessing whether or not they want to have a try at him; the man has a mean body count and a finger in almost every pie. 

But it's not enough. He doesn't want to be a shadowy leader from the background, never to be seen and spoken of like a boogeyman. Shadows can't truly shape the world, only rock some things and scare some kids. So he did the most logical thing - begin his ascent to Fashion God. 

Inklings loved fashion. It practically fueled their culture. They loved showy things and entertainment and exciting new trends. He was going to become that thing that Inklings loved. He was going to become so irrevocably irreplaceable to Inkling society that you couldn't even think of 'fashion' without thinking "SHI"!

- -

Now at the age of forty eight, Nigiri has realized his ambitions. He's the fashion idol he set out to be and still holds a large and strong grip on the workings of the crime world. He's changed things and continues to change things; and will continue to do so until he's satisfied. Although it would seem like he has it all and his work is done at this point, he would argue that it's nowhere near complete. 

He still has a lot more he needs to see through. 


Macaronsugar baby


his gorgeous brawny baby. they only know each other by their bdsm code names and only meet for sex and sometimes to complain about their lives but otherwise they keep things strictly business. 

(later on in the story he and macaron exchange their real names and identities and he becomes fond of him, though he keeps his interactions coy and lighthearted still. he still doesn't feel the need to bring macaron into his personal affairs, and macaron doesn't see the need to ask him about them.)  

paprikasorta son


a complicated past to be sure. he bought paprika as a child from scientists who specialize in making 'monsters'. he was supposed to procure paprika when he was older but took him when he was still a goopling, telling the scientists that they wouldn't raise him properly for the things he needed to do. he tried not to get attached but they still ended up with a strange parent-child bond. the day would eventually come when he would use paprika for his intended purpose though: cage fighting. 

paprika ran away after a close encounter spooked him. nigiri let him leave without much of a hassle, feeling it was better for him. they don't meet again until later.



goomi tried for an apprenticeship under nigiri a few years back, alongside many other hopefuls. they were passionate about working with him and learning from him, but also stated they had some beef with his way of doing things. their down to earth and realistic demeanor, as well as their craftsmanship, is what solidified nigiri's decision to make them his assistant.  they had no problem pointing out flaws with his work or the work of others, but always did so in a professional and helpful manner. they were likable and easy to work with. goomi looks up to nigiri and has stated he's very much like a dad in the way he takes care of those under him, a statement that has made him laugh on more than one occasion. 

Name relationship


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