
5 years, 5 months ago


weaver is a rain-mudwing hybrid who meets alderfly when he and his group come to her village, seeking medical care for peregrine after she broke a foot leaving the mountains. weaver is intrigued by alderfly and, after patching up peregrine’s foot, is invited to join. she agrees and drags along her little brother shrew.

weaver is kind to others, but has a strong belief that governments are unnecessary - she thinks this because, as a dragonet, her sibs were drafted into the army, which led to them never returning and her becoming homeless. it took her a few years to get a house again. she misunderstands alderfly and thinks he plans to make pantala government-free, something she wants to see, which is why she joins.

weaver really does love her brother, even if he treats her horribly.