Glow worm



5 years, 5 months ago


Glow worm
Young Adult
Fish-cat Creature
Id number


Goofy • Headstrong • Funny • Protective • Hopeless Romantic • Curious

Doesn't do well when she doesn't get her way. She doesn't think before she speaks which can get her into some tough situations. Has a short temper, not knowing when it's considered too far which often gets her in trouble. Glow is fiercely protective of the ones she loves, and is constantly risking her life for others. She loves to tease others and does it frequently, often assigning nicknames to those she likes. Glow worm makes for a good comical relief, always making bad jokes and sarcastic comments in the most dire times. Despite what others believe she's actually kind of funny and witty, putting smiles on people's faces. Along with this, she's also pretty goofy and laughs easily, so most people think they're more funny then actually are. Glow worm is very curious and inquisitive which ends up not helping her case in some situations. Glow is a hopeless romantic and falls for people very easily, the list of who she likes constantly growing.

Glow worm’s species was artificially created in a laboratory. Though the original experiment lacked the goop powers, the scientists which created the creature did note of their unusual thick and plentiful saliva. This fish-cat creature has both lungs and gills, the gills being marked with frills on their neck to protect the soft opening. They are expert swimmers, also gifted with webbed toes, fins to provide with more accurate turns and a large, thick tail like an alligator’s to propel them forward. This tail is about as long and as heavy as their overall body, causing movement on land to become a bit of a struggle as it’s like dragging a duplicate around. Their sex organs were a bit of an experiment, the scientists doing it for the sake of seeing what would happen. They are able to change much like a clown fish or moray eels. Though their teeth and jaw is what became an overwhelming problem as it became too strong for regular humans to deal with. Supposed to mimic the jaw force of a Nile crocodile with the teeth of a great white, it heightened as they created them. As the generations and generations of these creatures have evolved, it’s only gotten stronger and stronger. The reason behind creating these fish-cats was the rise in invasive species in the water, like the Asian Carp. They thought if they could create a creature equipped to kill with the drive of a house cat that maybe the numbers would lower. This ended up successful but afterwards the fish-cat started to kill every sea creature it could get it’s paws on so they had to be shut down.


  • Sharks
  • Sun-bathing
  • Company
  • Rubber-duckies
  • Succulents


  • Sweet food
  • Dry heat
  • Crabs
  • Chlorine
  • Loud noises
"write a quote here...."


Glow worm was raised in a regular family for her species typical childhood. She was born to two mothers. Glow had started living away from them at around 14 months old. She was living by herself until the age of 2 years old, not really having much action or excitement in her life. Glow worm strayed out too close to the lab, though not having any knowledge of it. This is where she met another experiment, Tess.

Tess was a winged wolf that she quickly fell in love with. Their meetings were scarce and short but enough for them to form a tight bond. Tess would be instructed to fly out and around (mainly over water, for it was less like for her to be spotted) so Glow would swim alongside her. Glow never found out why they created Tess. After a while the scientists began to notice Glow, and strategically placed traps with Tess as bait. Though they were not expecting Glow worm to lash out with the goop that she did. She killed many throughout the process of knocking her out and it still marks a memorable day in the lab’s history.

M.U.R.F was interested in obtaining a specimen from Earth for their research, and bought Glow Worm off of the Lab.From that day forward Earth and M.U.R.F have sort of a partnership, humans being the biggest source of visitors for the touring aspect of it. Later on M.U.R.F commissioned the lab to create her guard, for they were having a bit of a hard time keeping her in complete control.


Glow worm produces goop from special glands in her mouth and in between her toes. There are 4 different types which she can produce. All goops are highly reactive to other chemicals and are known to easily explode.

• Green - Primary goop. It flows out naturally and she uses it the most. It is considerably one of the most sticky substances in the universe and attracts sea creatures. If applied enough goop onto one's self they will become fire resistant.

• Purple - Poisonous. It will kill you if you eat it and cause severe damage to touch it. It burns and kills anything it touches for a long enough period of time.

• Yellow -  Similar to purple, just the poison reaction is less harmful. If ingested the victim will go into a state of shock which can lead to seizing.

• Pink - It is the most gentle goop and can help stop bleeding/close up wounds quicker.  



• Incredibly fast swimmer.

• Very sensitive hearing and a lot of feelers to sense vibrations.

• Killer jaw lined with extremely sharp, shark-like teeth everywhere, they have little edges for a better grip. She has the strongest bite force of any known creature in her universe. Glow has two rows of teeth, and the 'inside' row can rotate.


• Extremely poor eyesight. She can mainly only see colours and blurry shapes. In unfavourable conditions (such as at night or underwater) Glow is practically blind.

• Sluggish and clumsy on land. It's difficult to make any quick movements lugging around her giant tail, which weighs nearly half of her total body-weight.

• Glow worm is as asthmatic, and overall has troubles breathing. When her goop begins to over-produce it clogs up her mouth and it's hard to speak/breath, which doesn't pair well with her asthma.



Calistan • ♡♡♡♡

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Fiji • ♡♡♡♡

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