Avery Wyatt



5 years, 5 months ago



Name Avery Michael Wyatt
Called Ave, Aves
Age 27 (April 28)
Gender Trans man (he/him)
Sexuality Bisexual with a preference for women
Height 6'6"
Voice Claim Brendon Urie


  • Music
  • Lyric-writing
  • Drinking
  • Motorcycles


  • Synths
  • Autotune
  • Sour food
  • Parties


Avery is a rockstar, and that's about all he'd describe himself with. He defines himself with his relationship to music, as every other relationship he's got has felt distant from him -- all his life he's had trouble, either with himself, with his relationships, with his ability to connect with other people... A lot of it stems from the things he went through when he was younger, a child of an experimental labratory that gave Avery exactly what he wouldn't want later in life -- the ability to survive anything. Whatever injures him will immediately heal, so he is forced to sit and live, and he's not all too happy about trying to find reasons to keep going. Depression and a disillusionment with the world leaves Avery spaced out, quiet, and typically strung out on medication, both prescribed and recreational, with his top vice being his incessant need to smoke. Worst of all? He doesn't feel he deserves to feel this way. In his stark refusal to approach his past and acknowledge what happened to him, Avery rewrites it, like the injures that regenerate on his body. It's like it all never happened. All he wants to do is immerse himself in his music, and wait to see what the end will look like.

There's never air to breathe, there's never in-betweens, these nightmares always hang on past the dream.

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