


5 years, 4 months ago


Brimstone ("Brim" for short) is half ocelot, half bobcat. An ocebob, if you will

Brim is small, sleek, and stretchy like an ocelot, but fluffy like a bobcat. Tail is somewhere inbetween

-A bit shy
-Loves adventures, tho
-Always travelling and enjoys finding new things
-Prefers to be alone, but doesn't mind company from time to time
-Tends to follow the river as she travels
-Loves collecting stones
-"Why is your pack so heavy? You carrying rocks?"
-"'Course I am, mom."
-",,,Brim we talked about this"
-On the creative side. Likes using claws to draw shapes in the sand
-Oh, there's a cliff? Well, Brim's just gonna lay on the edge for hours. No particular reason
-Likes tapping paws on hollow objects. Heard the sound of humans' drums once, and loved it. Tries to imitate them
-Ladybugs are enemies
-Consistently mistakes scarecrows for people

smth to note :: i exaggerate Brim's features, like a lot. irl bobcat's cheek fur is not as fluffy, and their ear tufts tend to be more like a couple scraps of fur (if they even have any). they're just fun to draw lmao. but i do promise that the lil fiend is, indeed, part bobcat and not part lynx