


5 years, 6 months ago



— Illiya Kaminski —

"No matter how much you've suffered, what matters is whether you're going to choose to succumb to that sorrow or if you lift your cocky ass and crush all that pain."
  • Creator @Harucchino
  • Designer @Harucchino
  • Icon @Harucchino
  • Meister/Weapon? Meister

Describe your character's story here. This box will scroll.


Curabitur accumsan auctor dui consequat accumsan. Vivamus eu urna nisl. Aenean et enim ut ante congue pharetra non in lectus. Donec non tempor justo, nec luctus mi. Sed id consequat mauris. Integer facilisis tellus quis mi efficitur, a mollis enim feugiat. Quisque est lectus, iaculis sed leo quis, mollis porta turpis. Pellentesque viverra, dolor sed lobortis iaculis, nibh sapien pellentesque mi, in maximus urna enim nec nisl. Phasellus blandit eu quam a pharetra. Vestibulum blandit rutrum nisi vitae bibendum. Integer a condimentum ante. Aenean gravida condimentum vehicula.


Nullam tincidunt lacus at augue iaculis imperdiet. Quisque semper fringilla mattis. Quisque sapien erat, blandit consectetur enim id, ornare finibus enim. Duis tempus eleifend elit et iaculis. Vestibulum malesuada erat ac pretium euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum faucibus lacus, ut fringilla arcu venenatis ut.


Give a brief description of your character here. This box will scroll.

Morbi facilisis iaculis suscipit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat augue a sem aliquet, in gravida metus interdum. Sed scelerisque tristique erat eget fringilla. Phasellus et risus nibh. Nunc nunc erat, tincidunt id lacus nec, pulvinar imperdiet turpis. Integer quis justo vitae quam posuere tristique eu eget nisi. Aenean in scelerisque quam, in ultrices sapien. Sed gravida iaculis nibh et dignissim. Ut eu mattis risus, quis dictum eros. Duis viverra metus sit amet augue sodales, viverra congue urna venenatis.



Impulsive • Secretly soft • Explosive

A really tough guy to deal with...?

Illya is someone very...angry?.His explosive temper and his great strength are two dangerous junctions for others around him. Always persistent with what he believes and just lowering his head to a superior, Illiya is a boy who will fight until the last drop of his sweat is poured out, he simply detests anyone who belittles the difficulty that others and even himself went to get where they were, whether finding a task too easy or making a joke about it,thus making him a very abrasive and stubborn person who is really quick to attack anyone who dares to challenge him.However, when his trust and heart are truly reached, he gradually becomes a soft person to deal with. As much as he still has this eminent anger with him, Illiya is more open to listening to those he likes and tries not to fight with them (at least not with the same intensity as the others), depending on the level of proximity there may even be moments more relaxed where a good conversation and some tea can often take place.

Faithful • Skillful • Persistent

Illiya's traumatized personality may not be good but it's undeniable that he's a skilled and cooperative person when it comes to missions and battles,for him, those hours as barriers to liking or hating don't exist in relation to his companions, not leaving behind even the person he hate most.He is aggressive both with his pals and with those who have him as superior, people shouldn't be treated in an unequal way, but he always helps freshmen and those who seek their help either to train or try to understand a subject of the class.

  • Sex Male
  • Age 17
  • Birthday November 11
  • Race Unknown
  • Blood Type AB
  • Residence Varsovie,Poland
  • Occupation DWMA Student
  • Voice Akira Ishida
  • Theme Unknown
  • Height 1,72cm
  • Weight 77kg
  • Body Build Mesomorph


Kise Kyogoku
Partner/Best Friend

They approached in a very strange way but it worked very well. They're confidantes to each other and can be seen together most of the time. Even with the completely opposite personalities, they both have a caring and mutual respect.

Oliver Reymonds

No one knows exactly what their relationship is, not even themselves. Iliya thinks Oliver is a little afraid of him and finds it sincerely funny. Oliver is actually like his brother-in-law.

Ártemis Elias
Romantic interest

HAHA HE GO "g-gurls...p-pwetty" SKRRRRRR