Arensio "Pink Diamond"



Basic Info


Arensio "Pink Diamond" Sorrento




Male (can become female for a short time)


To do: adjust reference design to look more AMAB. Keep the hairstyle.

Arensio Sorrento is an Afro-Italian dragon from Milan. He was in an abusive relationship with a person he met on the internet. He was rescued by Rin after reaching out to him personally, setting up his abuser for an ambush.

Arensio is half-Crystallum and his dragon form is a Pink Diamond. It is hard to shatter but once shattered he leaks a pink substance.

He has the ability to become a doll body (Because the reference image is apparently a doll and I didn’t notice that until a while after I bought him (her?), so I guess I’ll keep that in).


Conor Abernathy: Conor sent a message to Arensio's character site, asking to roleplay with him. They exchanged messages and shipped their characters. As their friendship grew Arensio remained on guard. He, like Rin, had a future to protect. Unlike Rin, he couldn't disregard his because "it will come anyway." As more time passed Arensio became comfortable, unaware of what Conor was doing to him.

Conor eventually moved to Arensio's hometown and lived with Arensio and his dad.

Soon Arensio feared his relationship with Conor....because of character drama not being the way Connor wanted it.

Arensio became attached to Mir, Ophelia's best friend (and friend to Violin and Dai). This did not bode well with Conor.

(more to come soon

Arensio ended up dead.)


Arensio is partially based on real world experiences I observed happening to others.

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