
5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Zene

Gender: female

Age: ??

Height: 1m55

Short description:

Zene is a mute girl who cannot speak or communicate very well. People often treat her like a child because they think she won’t understand. She has a pet gecko Rufus for who she cares a lot.

She works in a circus doing many balance acts. She’s very talented and loves her job a lot. She can also eat just anything. She loves to shock people by eating stuff like spoons, books, televisions, .. anything that comes to her mind.


  • Performing circus acts (balancing mainly)
  • Rufus her pet Gecko
  • Doodling people she sees around her (they often look a lot creepier than they actually are)
  • Braiding twigs into things
  • Walking barefoot


  • Being treated like a child (because of being mute)
  • Wearing shoes
  • Horror movies


  • Rasha: sister
  • AU Ghirehym: best friend when she gets stuck in another universe =P
  • AU Desthroc: friend also when she gets stuck in this new univerrse


Zene ended up in this universe, she doesn’t know how. She’s travelling there with only Rufus (her gecko) as company. One day she runs into Ghirehym and Desthroc, who want to take her along with them. They believe she is from this world and want her to guide them through it. They also don’t know she’s mute, but just assume she can’t speak their language and therefore doesn’t speak at all. 

She becomes close friends with Ghirehym. They have some kind of weird mutual interest in each other (not like love or anything, just as strange but interesting beings they want to know all about). On the other hand she doesn’t really like Desthroc (at first) because she can feel he doesn’t trust her. 

(Lickers are a closed species by Xenobaby)