Mushari Desai (Relationships)




Aashii Desai (Mother): Mushari has a close bond with his mother, being the parent that he usually spent the most time with as a child. She taught him essentials like how to read, write, and cook as well as other things like how to make jewelry, pottery, and clothing. He admires her intelligence as well as her physical strength. Mushari also loves to help Aashii cook for the family and prepare decorations whenever they have a big event or ceremony. He knows he can turn to her when he is facing a serious issue that is weighing on him heavily emotionally. Aashii is very overly concerned about Mushari's wellbeing and thus sometimes pesters Mushari a bit too much about things that he sees as trivial, but overall he does not mind as he knows it's coming from a loving place. Mushari loves to visit his mother when he has the free time to return to his village. 

Balaji Desai (Father): Mushari admires his father for his people skills. He is very confident and friendly with new people. Mushari looks up to his father for his people skills, seeing him as someone who is always able to communicate well and somehow get many people to like him, a skill Mushari strives for. Balaji is, however, not very bright and often has a hard time understanding things, thus Mushari finds it hard to talk with him about complex issues. Mushari tends to keep their conversations very light-hearted as best he can. Despite his struggles with understanding such things, Balaji always does his best to be reassuring and supportive of his son when he is facing difficulties. He often gives Mushari pep talks and attempts to boost his confidence to help him better face these adversities. 

Larita Desai (Younger sister): Larita is Mushari’s sister, younger than him by two years. Mushari considers Larita his closest and best friend. The majority of his life has been spent with her close at his side. He trusts her with all of his secrets and even his life, and Larita, in turn, feels the same about him. Mushari knows very well by now that Larita will never fail to support and encourage him. Larita can often be very sassy and sarcastic when interacting with her brother, but the two have an understanding that this is only surface level and she doesn’t actually feel this way. They generally have a very light-hearted and comical relationship and interactions, trying to put their tough past behind him and make things as happy as they can. The two understand each other better than anyone, sometimes not even needing to communicate verbally, as they've grown to be able to interpret each other's body language and facial expressions. Even as adults they are practically inseparable, they live together and work together. Larita, being the smarter of the two is often unfortunately made to protect Mushari from his own dumb decisions. Whereas Mushari often has to protect others from Larita, as he is the only one who knows how to calm her down when she's angry. Mushari worries for Larita’s safety and feels nervous when they are apart. Larita has much the same fears. She knows that Mushari has matured and is less keen to trust strangers now, but his want to see a bit of good in all people still concerns her. 

Dev Desai (Younger Brother): Dev is a very grumpy child who is difficult to get along with and is generally very angry and pushy with everyone, but he does have a soft spot for his older brother. Mushari often treats Dev like a baby and Dev can be quite irritated with this, though, Dev was practically raised by Mushari and actually admires him a great deal, though he would never admit it. Dev has never hesitated to turn to Mushari when he needs help. Dev is very competitive and often tries to challenge Mushari at different things, oftentimes Mushari lets Dev win to boost his confidence. Dev has also become very protective over both of his older siblings and distrustful of new people who come around them, especially love interests ever since what happened with Navin. Mushari’s busy schedule keeps him away from his family back home for the most part, but he always makes an effort to visit Dev when he can, and Dev is always excited to see him return to the village, eager to tell Mushari about the accomplishments he’s made while Mushari was away and hear Mushari’s stories about the outside world. 


Navin Jha (Ex-Fiancé): Navin was Mushari's childhood bully and eventually his fiancé in an arranged marriage. Navin was physically and emotionally abusive towards Mushari for all of the 11 years that they knew each other. Navin had no respect for Mushari as a person and only saw him as a living punching bag that he could take his frustrations out on. Mushari feared Navin and the potential consequences of telling anyone what Navin was doing to him. As a child, Mushari tried his hardest to be friends with Navin, hoping that he could change Navin's behavior by showing him kindness. Mushari held onto this naive way of thinking for longer than he would like to admit. After Mushari came out about the abuse, Navin was exiled from the village and the two have had no contact since. Mushari still fears the possibility of encountering Navin again. 

Olivienne (Friend): Olivienne is grateful for Mushari's help and genuinely cares for him and Larita, though her attitude does not often show this, she is a very angry and reserved person who tends to be bad at communication and has a hard time showing positive emotions. She is often rude and mischievous, loving to tease and prank Mushari. Though, she has grown to trust him and desire to protect him and his sister. She has been known to become jealous when either of the siblings brings new friends around. She tends to show her gratitude in ways other than verbal expression, occasionally bringing home things to share with her housemates, and taking up for Mushari when he appears to be being pushed around. Mushari, though nervous of Olivienne at first because of her past, has grown close to her and enjoys spending time with her. Even though she is doing better in life now, he still feels the need to help her and try to keep her away from negative influences. 

Leorio Paladiknight (Friendly acquaintance): Mushari has only met with Leorio a few times but that was enough for him to tell that Leorio has a good heart. He thinks Leorio's ambition to become a doctor and help others is very sweet and admirable. Kurapika's relationship with Leorio was a good indicator to Mushari that Leorio is someone he can trust and rely on. 

Melody (Friendly acquaintance): As with Leorio, he has had only a few interactions with Melody, but he believes she's a kind and warm-hearted person. He finds it easy to talk with her because of her soothing and understanding nature. On top of this, he and Melody also have quite a few common interests which they have bonded over. 

Dunham Carbonaro (Nen Master): As a teacher, Dunham was very strict and hard to get along with, he used angering and belittling them as a tactic to push them to do their best. He was tough on them because he knew they had potential and he didn’t want to see it go to waste. During Dunham’s training was the most frustrated and angry Mushari had ever really gotten, but despite this, he respects and admires him. He knows that without Dunham’s harsh methods, he wouldn’t be nearly as capable as he is now. Dunham doesn’t often see the siblings now, but he is very proud of how strong and mature his students have become. 


  • Whenever Mushari got mad at his parents as a child, he would threaten to leave and live in the woods where he could make his own rules
  • Larita is one of the only few people who are able to ALWAYS read Mushari's mood