


5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Ashaniel

Meaning: Unknown

Nicknames: Ash

Gender: Female

Found: December 20, 2014

Breed: Seelie

Song: To the Fairies They Draw Near, Part II

Temper: Enchanting

Mate: ---

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Blue

Coat: Pink with lavender scales

RP Color: #1c37ac

Likes: Music, beauty, her brother, life

Dislikes: Disorder, evil, 

Obtained from: Tales and Origins Rp Contest

Soquili’s Thoughts: 

Ashaniel is very polite, asking questions is something she does not like to do because she considers it rude, but sometimes there is no helping it. She may have some judgmental tendencies toward those she sees as different from her. This was how she was raised and will take time for her to grow out of it. She follows the code of the Seelie and uses them to shape who she is. They are: Death before dishonor, love conquers all, beauty is life, and never forget to repay a debt.

Death Before Dishonor: Ashaniel is very honorable and will do anything in her power to protect her honor, even to the death, for it is the way of the Seelie Court. Honor is the single source of Glory for those of the Seelie Court, for it was the only way to attain recognition with the Queen and the Royals. A true Seelie would rather have died than live with personal dishonor, and would never bring dishonor to another of the Seelie.

Love Conquers All: For the Seelie, love was the perfect expression of the soul. It transcends all other things. Though romantic love was considered to be the highest and purest form of love, platonic love was also encouraged. Ashaniel believes in this code whole heartedly, she believes it is the best and only way of curing her brother from the taint of the Unseelie. And it makes her a hopeless romantic at times.

Beauty is Life: Beauty is held in high regard among the Seelie Court and to belong, a fae had to be beautiful, and all beauty was to be protected. There were stories of how Ashaniel’s herd had gone to war to protect something beautiful. Ash sees herself as having an enchanting beauty, and sadly it was the only thing she knew how to make beautiful in her life. Each time she tried to craft something it would always turn out less than perfect, which was not appropriate in a beautiful world.

Never Forget a Debt: Ashaniel always remembers to repay her debt, even if it is an insult, she will return one in a timely fashion. She dislikes the idea of having a debt loom over her head and would be glad to pay it off as soon as possible.

Before the Carousel she did not have a skill, except for making herself beautiful, so she is slightly vain. But after hearing the music she knew she found her calling, it moves her soul like nothing else has done before.
She constantly tries to see the best in her brother and those who become her friend. But this could cause some problems with others taking advantage of her good nature.

Ash sometimes wonders if she will get her brother's taint and it scares her more than anything else in her life.


When ever she sees a reflective surface, she cannot help but stare at her reflection.

She rarely, if ever, asks a direct question. Usually her inquiries come out in long phrases that take a while to get to the point. Example, instead of asking "How's the Weather?" on a rainy day, which would be direct and rude, she would say "One might wonder when the sun will smile upon the world again." Or something similar.

Without even knowing that she is doing it, Ash begins to hum to music that is only heard in her head. Sometimes she will even break out into song.



Mother: Ilyrana {Alive}

Father: Faern {Alive}

Siblings: Herne RedCap

Children: None at the moment

The Seelie and The Unseelie

One of the beliefs of the Seelie Court was that love conquered all. But what if the one she loved could not be saved from the darkness that was within his heart?

Every few generations, a brother and sister were born, one bearing the taint of dark while the other a blessing of the light. Balance between the Seelie and Unseelie was needed, one could not hold more power than the other or the world would turn to ruin. So as the fates would have it, two foals were born. The parents were sculptors and potters, everything they made had to be perfect, for if it was not it was cast aside as worthless. They had a son and daughter and as in generations past, one bore the taint. The son was grotesque, not perfect at all. He held the darkness outside of him, so he surely must be dark within. His sister was the complete opposite, she was breathtaking. Her beauty outshone her parents and any creation that they had ever made. Without ceremony, the disgusting foal was banished to the darklands.

As time wore on Ashaniel learned more about the history of her people, and began to see the actions of her parents as a terrible crime. She was told that love conquered all, but the actions of the court seem to go against that law. The mare was torn between finding justice for her brother and knowing that the world needed balance. It made her wonder if love really did conquer all.

The Seelie felt that she owed a debt to her brother, and her kind always repaid the debt placed upon them, but she did not know how to fulfill it. With the unpaid debt looming over her head Ashaniel tried to live her life as normally as possible. Her beauty was her life, it seemed to be the only thing she was good at for she could not sculpt or create beauty out of clay. Everything to do with the art of creation she failed. Her works were not perfect and so were cast aside by her parents, she worried that if she did not find a skill she would be cast aside as well.

A few years had passed since the price for balance between the two Daoine Sidhe had been paid and it was time for the Seelie and Unseelie to meet on neutral ground. Emissaries from each faction would go and meet at the Carousel of Day and Night. This had been the tradition for generations and it was time for Ashaniel to meet her brother, her dark other half.

Although she had never met him, she loved him. For how could she not? He was her flesh and blood, she was bound by duty to love him even if he did not love her. Laws and regulation had separated them and now for just a few days, laws and regulations would unite them. Questions and crazy imaginings flew through her mind as she tried to picture the brother she had never met. What would he be like? Would he be the malicious creature her parents thought he was when they cast him aside? Soon she would have the answers to all her questions and fulfill her debt.

The day had come, the day that her life would be forever changed. Everything about the Carousel captivated her, the lights, the soquili, the humans, and the music. Oh the wondrous, amazing, spectacular music! The music vibrated through her entire body, it called out to her soul, beckoning her closer to embrace its seductive allure. Ashaniel had finally found her calling. She was not skilled in clay, but the rightness of the music filled her heart.

So enrapt she was with the music, she did not see the approach of her brother. They stood near each other, yet apart, never once giving the other a passing glance.