


5 years, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Name Ryuuzetsu
Nickname Ryuu
Age 18
Birthday August 27th
Height 5'1"
Gender Female
Species Human
Powers Fire Manipulation
Origin Unknown
Blood Type A+
Orientation Ace/Aro
Occupation Student
Status Alive
Worth N/A
  • Warm place/weather
  • Fluffy animals
  • Learning
  • Her friends and nice people
  • Lack of explanations
  • Really sour things
  • Mean people
  • Thanks to her powers Ryuu can withstand extreme temperatures on both ends!
  • Ryuu is very easily influenced and has a tendency to copy what she sees from others. If someone gives another person a hug to cheer them up, it's likely she'll do the same to cheer someone else up.
  • Despite her seeming naive and new to it, Ryuu actually has fantastic control over her powers
  • TBA
Curious . Impressionable . Mellow . Observant

Ryuuzetsu is a very quiet and seemingly emotionless girl. In truth she simply isn't sure how to express emotions and doesn't entirely understand her own. She can also be rather naive and trusting of other people, tending to believe what anyone tells her as fact, so others often have to keep an eye on her. That said she's eager to learn and is pretty quick at it, so once she deems someone to be a friend she's more likely to stick near them.

Ryuu learns from watching others and tends to copy the things they do. If she notices someone hugging someone else who is sad, she's much more likely to give the next sad person she sees a hug. Sometimes it can seem like she's off in her own little world and not really paying attention, but in actualality she's almost always watching and taking notice of what others do. Despite how young she is she's also very adept at using her fire powers.


Much of Ryuu's past is a mystery as not only does she not talk a lot about it, but it seems as if she isn't aware of a lot of stuff as well. She claims to be an orphan and has no idea who her parents are, but when asked for the names of people she would've known she's unable to provide them. She's adament that that's her past, though, but it's tough to tell if it's true or if she's simply suffering from memory loss for some reason.

Nico and his group discover Ryuu on one of the enemy ships while exploring an empty town (aside from the alient soldiers patrolling around). They help rescue her and discover her ability to use fire. Since she doesn't seem to have anywhere to go the group offers to let her go with them, and she agrees almost immediately. Despite being pretty young she's clearly adept at using her powers and is quick to learn how to work together with the others.

Nico Blakely | Friend

Ryuu seems especially close to Nico, perhaps because they're around the same age. Regardless she's always curious about what Nico's doing and is more than willing to listen as he talks. She doesn't always understand it, but finds it interesting anyways.

Ethan Clark | Friend

Ryuu loves eating Ethan's cooking and always asks him how he makes things taste so good. She enjoys helping Ethan cook when he lets her and she's able to mimic him pretty well. Ethan often reminds her to not get burned, only for Ryuu to remind him she can't be.

Solana Kirsi | Friend

Ryuu and Solana are opposites in a lot of ways (mostly their powers) however they're both unaffected by temperature change. Ryuu loves to learn ice skating from Solana, even though she's not very good at it, and Solana loves teaching her.