Alphie (#496)


Basic Info




closed, he's very special to me so I doubt I'll let any out unless we are close




Alphie!! A little guy :)

Asexual Biromantic, He/Him

Pretty short for a common, spends a lot of time grooming himself so he always looks in tip top shape. Has soft fur (well, for a toskal). Loves wearing accessories, especially his bells! His family are sheeba herders so he's got quite a bit of experience in that, although he doesn't know what he wants to do personally. Was very sheltered growing up. Absolutely loves fishing, could spend hours chatting your ears off about the best techniques. He's also gets really preachy about respecting your prey and making sure to kill it in the most humane way possible. 

He's a kind toskal, to the point where it can be damaging to himself. Has difficulty saying no to other toskals. Very affectionate to everyone and has a hard time realizing when hes disliked.  Tends to miss social ques a lot. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Very, very social. He'd probably explode if he was alone for too long