Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


-Homo/Transphobe, racist, sexist
-you sexualise age or pet regression
-toxic, proship/anti-anti, or anti-regression

Please Don't

  • Copy / Steal
  • Trace / Heavily reference
  • Take heavy inspiration on my characters
  • Use my characters & their arts for NFT\Cryptocurrency stuff
  • sexualize my characters (thats my jo/j)

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

This character contains themes and mentions of: religious trauma, cults, attempted child murder, possession, hearing voices, abusive relationships, self harm, drugs(mostly weed)/alcohol, and a minor drinking alcohol. As well as brief mentions of: genitalia descriptors, puberty mentions. More may be added as necessary. 

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