


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Anna

Species: Angel (fallen)

>Used to be a messenger of the gods, a very important job, the letters are made of clean energy and are worth quite a lot. When travelling past the Soul Sea, she flew too close to a rupture in the barrier, and was almost pulled inside it, when trying to free herself her bag was pulled it and thats when she knew she fucked up.

Diving in would mean certain death, telling the gods what had hapened would bring her the same fate, and as drained as she was from trying to free herself, she let herself be dragged by the energy flow and ended up in Cromia (our dimension) and was rescued by a succubus that found her laying on the middle of the sidewalk. She couldn't go back and after living with Isis (the succubus) for a few days, she decided it would be best if she stayed and decided she'd abandon that life and would have a mortal life there in Cromia.

She has to be constantly reminded she has a physical body and has to take care of it. 

She is not used to this lifestyle at all and wants to help Isis out, but can barely stand the loud music at the club. Her eyes and ears are highly sensitive, but she is doing her best.

Her favorite drink is orange soda, because it was the first thing she had after she was rescued, (it was better than nothing)