


8 years, 2 months ago


Name: "Kendaman" - he will never tell you his real name.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: Very naive, kind to a fault, strong sense of justice and chivalry, He's certainly not the brightest crayon in the box. But if JUSTICE were a color, he'd be that one! Be it assisting the elderly across the street, saving kittens from trees, chasing down litter bugs & jaywalkers, or nagging at kids to go home after curfew he takes his hero career very seriously!
Weapon: Kendama-Sword-thing! Just imagine a Lightsaber + Kendama! The beam originates from the spike and goes through the ball without daminging it.
Occupation: YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SUPER HERO! / Bussinessman.
-Has a stupid hair that pokes off his head

-He never removes his mask. Ever.
-Draw him with the most hilarious/glorious eyelashes. It'll be great.

-He's a goofy character who does goofy things. Go crazy.

Companion characters:
The Masked Marsupial ("Masked M") Kendaman's occasional side-kick and always best friend! Watch out or he'll blast you with his Grenapes (Grape themed grenades!)or bop you in the head with a cartoony toy hammer!

Krad - Evil Clone / Arch nemisis
Every hero has an arch nemesis and/or EVIL CLONE, RIGHT!???  He's so evil he PUTS kittens into trees and readily ignores the eldery crossing a busy intersection! He litters and jaywalks and stays up waaay past his bedtime! OH THE HUMANITY!