


8 years, 2 months ago


  • AIris Maichade

  • 13307359_NG7qNF5KA0GGUzS.png
  • Age                                                              92
  • GenderMale
  • Race                                                     Vampire
  • Role                                                     Samurai
  • RP                                               Dragon's Keep

"My, my, you smell absolutely divine, my sweet. Would you mind me having a little... taste?"


Ever since he drank from the vial that was given to him years ago, Airis… hasn’t  been right in the head. The blood that infected him pushed his fragile sanity over the edge, and instead of hating what he had become-- he adores being a monster of the night; living off of the blood of mortals. Airis sees it as something thrilling compared to his normal life. He is a sadistic and bloodthirsty man; he doesn’t mind playing around with his food before growing bored with their pleas and draining them dry.

Airis is flirtatious and always has  been during his human years of courting others and spending his years lavishly. He treats it like a game to play with others hearts, manipulating them into doing things for him, then leaving them behind once dry of usefulness.

The only thing that seems to briefly take him out from his insanity is looking at beautiful flowers.


* Airis finds peace around flowers; they're something that he's enjoyed since childhood thanks to the many gardens his family had outdoors. His favorite breed of flower is Lavendar.
* Even though he's rather sadistic, he can come off a bit masochistic as well. Finding pain or insult thrown his way rather amusing.
* His favorite color is black, but blue is a close second.
* Airis had an older sister who passed away when he was still an infant, thus never getting a chance to know the woman so he holds no emotional feeling towards the concept of siblings.
* His favorite blood types to drink are: A- and AB+
* Airis learned the art of swordsmanship through a tutor hired by his parents.


DoB: September 23rd
Origin: Runa (DSK)
Height: 6'1
Orientation: Demisexual
Demeanor: Flirty, Manipulative, Narcissistic, Sadistic, Carefree, etc
  • Flowers
  • Wine(When he was human)
  • Beautiful things.
  • Blood (A- and AB+)
  • Black
  • etc.
  • Winter
  • Filthy things
  • Human food
  • His family14046150_P344FCnZeRRuZr2.gif
  • Ugly things
  • etc.











Airis was born of noble blood to higher government officials of Runa. Often adored for his looks, he was a spoiled and vain child who always received what he wanted. As he grew older, he became more conceited and manipulative, using his charms against others for his own benefit. Because of this, he had made enemies this way from the different affairs he had in his life, leaving broken hearts in his path. He didn’t care about the concept of love, or the ways of friendship? Why care about that when he can have anything he wanted and more? 

When he hit his 25th birthday, he began to wonder if immortality was possible? Could it be achieved? He tried to study this in their private library, to the point he became obsessed with finding it and even worried his parents due to the amount of stress; he wouldn’t eat or drink.

A rumor then eventually spread around the court about their son’s obsession of obtaining immortality and some found it ludicrous and absurd. Some saw him as mad and foolish. His vanity had went to his head.

But this became an opportunity for someone who hated the young male for tearing his marriage apart and he sent someone to bring the young man a vial of strange liquid. Coercing Airis into drinking it as it’s what he had been searching for to give him what he desired. 

But in reality, it was used to poison him.

Airis, desperate, drank the vial of liquid and died a mere few hours later in his sleep.

And at midnight he awoke to find himself completely different. 

And being completely thirsty, he didn’t know what was wrong with him and what he was thirsty for until he found one of his butler’s wandering around the hallways and he attacked him, draining him of all his essence.

He came to realize that he distinctly remember reading about the creatures of the night, vampires. Was this what he had become? That vial that was given to him, he was tricked, but it was a good trick.

Because now he can never grow old and can live blissfully in eternal beauty.

Unfortunately, this came at a price.

He was found with the corpse of his servant and this forced him to leave his old life behind to go into hiding and eventually found a nightclub- but he doesn’t frequent it as much. Preferring to wander around, drinking to his heart’s desire. 

Years later, he comes to discover the guild he had heard so much about. Airis found the idea of what they stood for as foolish... then again, it was a perfect way for him to have wider access to people. So why not convince them to let him in under the guise of wanting to ‘help’ others out of the goodness in his heart. His cold, dead, heart that is. 


Sennan [ Guild Mate ] mikeiFOHwfrv.png

Oliver [ Guild Mate ] ioma3591014?1554516530

Yui [ Guild Mate ]  Cuppufinbi2a.png

Passion [ Guild Mate ]  Pretz XzKPX7V.png


Name [ Guild Mate ]  @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ]  @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ]  @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ]  @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png

Name [ Guild Mate ] @P9u5bcq.png
