


5 years, 5 months ago


The Christmas Spirit.
aliases: "Krampus"
gender: None
orientation: Aroace
born: 12/24/2000, The North Pole
species: Reindeer
occupation: Santa's Helper None
residence: Santa's Workshop
height: 4 ft / 121.92 cm
eyes/hair: Swirl / Cream

Strudël was born on Christmas Eve and was hoped to be raised in order to join Santa's entourage of reindeer & become a sleigh-puller. However, no matter how they were raised or how much training they endured, Strudël didn't make the cut due to their frailness, which was much out of their control. For a while, they were promoted to Santa's Helper as compensation for their failure, but was also eventually replaced when the Elves had proven more efficient over time. Combining these events, Strudël starts to feel disdain (and maybe even hatred) for the place that's supposed to spread happiness across the globe. Without their parents, who have since passed from sickness, they are forced to live alone in the dark stables of the workshop, feeling entirely useless. It won't take long for them to finally snap.

  • Naturally smells like peppermint! Though their antlers aren't the real deal, so I wouldn't try to lick them if I were you
  • Became the workshop's main source of entertainment for a while, up until the Elves shut down their stage performances indefinitely. What a bunch of party-poopers.
  • When outside of the workshop, at night Strudël likes to look up at the lit-up sky and talk to the stars as if they were real people. It's what their parents taught them to do if they ever found themself missing them after their deaths. In the long run, it does help.
____Aurora Borealis - Lemon Demon____