


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




50 moons






Cis molly (she/her)




Lichenstep (formerly Thunderclan warrior, now loner)


Cloudsong (Windclan warrior)

Former mentor


Cat Wife



Foxstar, Cloudsong


Born into ThunderClan in a time of peace, Thistlekit was the only surviving kit in Lichenstep's litter. Though a respected and well-liked senior warrior, Lichenstep raised her daughter alone, and what the two lacked in family they made up for in love. Foxstar, ThunderClan's leader and Lichenstep's sister, did not pry into Thistlekit's parentage, knowing Lichenstep's heart to be fickle. Foxstar was pleased enough to see her sister happy and her kin thriving, as she had no plans to have kits of her own.

A loving and fulfilling kithood behind her, Thistlepaw was apprenticed to Gourdpelt, a new warrior known for skittishness and lack of self-confidence, but balanced by a good heart. The two became close, and as Thistlepaw excelled in her training, Gourdpelt's confidence was helped to grow. Thistlepaw made sure to keep time for her mother during her training, maintaining her close relationship with Lichenstep as well.

Thistlepaw's idyllic upbringing was disrupted four moons into her apprenticeship. Spending time with her mother at a gathering, she felt herself and her mother watched coldly by a WindClan warrior. Assuming he must hold a grudge against Lichenstep after having been bested by her in a battle in the past, Thistlepaw ignored the stranger. After the gathering, however, the warrior, Cloudsong, slipped close to Foxstar and whispered to her that he was Thistlepaw's father. Foxstar stared in shock and horror at his blue eye gleaming in the moonlight and knew his profession to be true. Foxstar did not reply, merely gathering her clan with a swish of her tail and returning to ThunderClan's camp in silence.

 Upon return, Foxstar stewed in her den until dawn, and, as cats at last began to emerge from their dens to greet the morning, abruptly called a clan meeting. Furiously, she announced Thistlepaw's parentage to the clan, declaring Lichenstep a traitor and coward. The clan murmured uncomfortably. Lichenstep was known to let her heart lead her in unfortunate directions, but she was a good warrior and ultimately loyal to her clan. Lichenstep refused to defend herself or state that she regretted her actions, which Foxstar responded to by exiling her from the clan. Thistlepaw begged with her mother and her aunt to come to an agreement so that her mother could stay, but the stubborn she-cats' minds were made up. 

Thistlepaw continued her training despondently, and when it came time for her to become a warrior, Foxstar named her Thistlewind, marking her with a name that would be a constant reminder of her half-clan heritage. With much of her mother in her, Thistlewind bore the insult and refused to talk back. She hates Foxstar for breaking up her family, but will never let on. She will take her revenge by becoming a good warrior, and proving to Foxstar that she is wrong about her.