


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Koneko

me: Neko-sama/ Neks

Age: 20

Birthday: August 27

Species: Cat

Magic: Wind

Flower: Buttercup

Personality: Talkative, Considerate , Cheerful, Lazy, Observative

Koneko is known to be quite lazy, to an extent, she doesn't really like doing chores and often time chooses the work that doesn't cause too much energy or thinking, but of course, she can't deny work that's already push to her. She's the type that complains a lot but still does the work she's given nevertheless. She's quite extroverted and open to her friend circle but a bit introverted and polite but still strikes conversations on acquaintances or total strangers. She tents to puts a barrier between those people, but often times people doesn't see that barrier. Despite hating annoying and arrogant people, she doesn't tell them off but instead plays it cool while continuing to hate them. Believes in the saying of "give and take".


Drawing, Reading, Writing, Anime, Manga, Webtoons, J-Music, Orchestral, Friends, Memes, Dark Comedy, Satire, Junk Foods, Spicy or Sour Foods, Eggs, Fried Rice.  


Arrogant & Inconsiderate People, People who takes stuff without permission, Mathematics, Vegetables, Cockroaches, Chores.

Appearance: Koneko has straight pink hair with a yellowish shine, her is hair tied into two rings, with a tied braided hair circling it. As for her side bangs, the left side reaches to her cheeks, while the right side reaches around to her neck. Her eyes consist of a violet hue with highlights that's like a burning sun. her flower is located at the part wear she has a long side bangs.

She wears a pink, crop top turtle neck sweater with two roses for fake buttons, underneath is a pink dress with yellowish highlights right at the bottom. She wears a white shorts underneath the dress. Pink and white stripe stockings and brown penny loaf shoes.


Listens to music whenever she draws

•Stays awake a lot at night either to draw or read. She likes staying up late since no one interrupts her at that time.

•Often knows what her friends schedules.

•Believes in the saying of "if you want something from me, then you should give something back, and vice versa".