D'andala Onik



5 years, 5 months ago


  • D'andala Onik

  • age 22 (ARR)
  • gender Cis female
  • race Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
  • title The Warrior of Light
  • playlist //

adventurous • vain • athletic


D'andala's near perfect visual memory and workaholic tendencies shaped her into a young prodigy with a wide range of talents. She succeeds on the first try at everything she does, and can make anything look effortless. Behind the scenes though, she spends every waking moment training and working on bettering herself.

She's intelligent, musically gifted, charming and smooth. She assumes everyone is at least a little bit attracted to her, and even if someone is not initially interested by her looks, she knows she can sway them with her words. She's confident, extremely cocky, vain and can act quite entitled. After her first few successful adventures, she started expecting to be recognized and praised everywhere she went - and she gets extremely annoyed any time this expectation is not met. She didn't set out to be a hero, helping people for the prize and recognition rather than out of kindness.

She's also been known to be stubborn, superficial, impatient and dramatic. However, during the long years of traveling Eorza, she discovered a softer, kinder side to herself - amongst other, more befitting of the Warrior of Light, traits; her steadfast bravery, the inmense affection she has to give... how steady her voice can sound, even with a lump in her throat. How she'll get up and keep fighting after being knocked down. And just how dangerous she can be when what she loves is under threat.

"I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say, 'Because of you, I didn't give up.'"

height 168cm / 5'6"

build Athletic

pronouns She/her

orientation Bisexual

dob 21st Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon

guardian Thaliak, the Scholar

class Dancer, bard, rogue, dark knight

job Culinarian

origin Thavnairian

place of residence Limsa Lominsa

alignment Chaotic good

mbti ENFJ-A

companion Chocobo (Handsome)

minion Fat cat, black coeurl, coeurl kitten


  • Reading, history
  • Theater, dancing
  • Writing
  • Artesanal cooking
  • Felines


  • Running errands
  • Being taken for granted
  • Failure, losing
  • Dealing with children
  • Elitism


D'andala was born to Thavnair's large Sun Seeker D tribe. Her mother was a farmer and her father a Nunh that retired when she was seven years old. Although she has many siblings on her father's side, she is her mother's only child. Growing up, she enjoyed helping her in the kitchen, learning the culinarian arts from her. Her mother was very warm and loving towards her, and always affectionally called her her Dandelion - a nickname she still uses in their correspondance nowadays.

When D'andy wasn't helping her mama with dinner or out in the farm, she would spend all of her time devouring books about history and adventurers, fictional or otherwise. Other than reading, dancing was her second greatest love; she had been fond of it ever since she'd first learned how to walk. She and the other kitties in the tribe would often put on shows for the Nunh - she came out of her tribe already a Dancer.

She also extensively trained in archery to provide for the tribe. By the time she was seventeen, she was one of the best hunters they had. Besides skilled, she'd grown quite pretty during her teenage years too, and had a lot of luck with the other ladies in the tribe. The Nunh at the time showed interest in her, but she didn't care for him and did not want to settle down so young, instead yearning to go out there and live adventures like the ones she'd been reading about for so long. Indeed, by age twenty she had read every single book the tribe had at their disposal. She wanted to write stories of her own now, and what better than travel to inspire her? Her mother fully supported her decision, although her father protested and wanted her to stay and become one of the Nunh's wives. In contrast to the love her mother had showered her with growing up, all her father ever had to offer her was a cold shoulder and unwanted opinions.

D'andala was able to slip away from the tribe at age twentyone, her deep resentment towards her father ensuring she'd likely never go back, and that she'd do her damnest to make a name for herself. It wasn't long after she first set out that she started gaining popularity as an adventurer by helping anyone in her path. She quite liked being praised, thanked, and rewarded after a job well done.

Nearly a year after leaving Thavnair, as she approached the city states, she started to hear Hydaelyn's voice. Hear, feel, think. She knew at once she was on the right path, and that she was indeed meant for greatness - suck it, dad. After a few more months of traveling around, she heard about bards from a young couple she'd helped and, interested in learning a discipline that combined art and archery, as well as fascinated by the idea of being able to perform her own stories, she made her way to Gridania. Unbeknownst to her, she sat in a cart with people she would come to love in a not so far away future - the Leveilleur twins and the Keeper of the Moon Leih'to Jakkya. Once in Gridania she kept running into the latter, as the Echo guided them towards the same places. After the fourth time, with thinly veiled annoyance, she jokingly accused him of stalking her. He didn't think she was funny.

The rest, as they say, is history.


D'vynka Tia

[ half-brother ] The two were the last children their father had before he stepped down as Nunh. She was his only friend during childhood because of his shyness, and thus she grew very protective of him as they got older. As the elder of the pair, she adores him and dotes on him constantly.


Leih'to Jakkya

[ lover ] Fate brought the two together. They kept bumping into each other, guided by the Echo towards the same places. They both found it annoying at first, but soon enough they became friends, and then feelings started stirring in Leih'to's heart. D'andala didn't take his feelings seriously for a long time, love for another, and then grief for their loss, causing her to ignore her own as well. That's all in the past, though - they've saved the world together, multiple times, and they love each other deeply - he's the moon in her sky.


Sogeki no Ukyo

[ friend ] A Scion of the Seventh Dawn that she's worked with closely. He gets easily distracted and D'andy often loses her patience with him, not enjoying having to explain herself multiple times. However, he's reliable in a fight and his charm is undeniable. He sure knows how to make a lady smile.


G'raha Tia

[ lover ] When they first met, their interest in history and penchant for competing made them fast friends. The feelings that came afterwards weren't a surprise - he was cute, funny, and they had much in common. But he turned out to be so much more than that. When he called on her again, she knew she wouldn't let go of him ever again. Important note: she's taller than him.


Minfilia Warde

[ friend, crush, former leader ] It was she who held D'andala's heart for so many years. Friends and co-workers, they both felt an immense admiration for each other, and the Miqo'te was very much in love. She thinks Minfilia might've felt the same way - but there's hardly any point wondering about it now. She'll always be her "almost."


Y'shtola Rhul

[ best friend ] The two clicked and got along from the moment D'andy joined the Scions, and they only grew closer as the Warrior of Light spent more of her time in Limsa. D'andala adores and respects her greatly. She values her opinion above anyone else's.


Alisaie Leveilleur

[ friend, pupil ] Although at first D'andala didn't care for the twins, Alisaie earned her respect when the two explored the Binding Coil of Bahamut together. As the years passed, she came to consider her a friend and, knowing the admiration the child holds for her, often trains with her and offers her advice.


Alphinaud Leveilleur

[ friend, leader ] It took even longer for her to warm up to Alphinaud than it did with his twin. She resented having to take orders from a child, often being dimissive towards him. However, the things they went through made them both mature. In time, she came to understand him, and grew quite attached to him. She still likes to poke fun at him - she thinks it's adorable how much he frets over her safety. She's thankful for it, too, and fiercely protective of him in turn.


Thancred Waters

[ friend ] The two used to be closer, back when she joined the Scions. They were frenemies of sorts, she found him both insufferable and fun. At parties, they would compete to see which of the two would get propositioned the most. Yet, as they both took a beating from life itself, their relationship became strained. They appreciate each other, if only because they both need someone they can sit next to and just silently think for hours.


Urianger Augurelt

[ respected colleague ] D'andala appreciates his counsel and admires his abilities. She likes to talk shop with him, but often gets distracted when he starts going on long tangents. She appreciates everything he's done for the Scions. The way he speaks often inspires her poetry.


Cid nan Garlond

[ close friend ] D'andala sees him as an uncle. The two love to give each other shit, but he's always there to offer her his shoulder, and she's well aware of it. They like to keep track of how many times each has saved the other.


Haurchefant Greystone

[ best friend ] She's pretty sure he was the first Elezen to treat her as an equal without her having to prove anything. She was constantly blown away by his kindness, the man kept outdoing himself. She grew to love him so much so quickly, and she still does. She's written so many songs and poetry with him in her heart.


Aymeric de Borel

[ best friend ] She could search this world and the next, and she would never find anyone like Aymeric. They have both gone to war for each other, what else is there to say? They would both do it again. They hold so much love and respect for each other, an hour long conversation with him leaves her happy for days.


Jacke Swallow

[ former lover, close friend, mentor ] The leader of the Dutiful Sisters and her fooled around for a few months and, years later, he still likes to joke about it. Back then, instead of working to master the rogue's abilities in a few days like everything else she's ever done, she actually took her time to learn what he had to teach her, mostly to spend time with him.


Oboro Torioi

[ close friend, mentor ] The shinobi and D'andala developed a light hearted friendship, even if their reunions often mean there's trouble about. She's pleasantly surprised whenever he flirts with her, and even more so at his flustered responses when she flirts back.


Sidurgu Orl

[ friend, mentor ] D'andala admires Sid greatly, and likes to think that he's a softy underneath all that armor. Taking care of Rielle with him is not as bad as she originally feared it would be, either. She's quite fond of the pair, and glad to be able to both assist him in protecting her, and join her in making sure he takes care of himself.


Fray Myste

[ mentor, it's complicated! ] She knows Fray has her best interests at heart. She agrees with many of the things he's taught her, and learning his art was almost frighteningly easy. She knows he'll be there when she needs him. She can't speak about it, but she loves him, as odd as that is.

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