Draconic Brecciated Jasper



5 years, 5 months ago


Draconic Brecciated Jasper



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 2





MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

Once a standard Brecciated Jasper, an active soldier from the Faux Red Section of the Edan Faction, a creation of Garden Green Diamond as a gift to the young Faux Red Diamond. Jasper was a very loyal soldier, protecting her diamond with her whole being. However that loyalty was very quickly lost after Faux Red shattered one of Jasper’s closest friends. So, she retaliated, lashing out at her diamond in a fit of rage. In defense, Faux Red blasted Jasper with her aura. Faux Red’s aura was one of madness, something that drove gems to the brink. Due to this Jasper corrupted from the stress and ran for it, trying to keep herself together. Outside of the Faction’s area, she was found by Charoite and brought to the Empire and healed of her corruption enough to be stable. She was given the duty of guarding the great Aries Sunstone, the Orange Sunrise Diamond’s direct envoy. Her loyalty towards her Sunstone is so strong that it outshines any sense of loyalty Jasper had to Faux Red. In the end, she has a stable position to a very important gem in an Empire she cares deeply about surrounded by new friends.

I don't CARE about those other stupid diamonds. I serve the Empire, screw the rest!

- Draconic Brecciated Jasper

The Sunrise Court


  • She accidentally fused with one of her Sunstone’s pearls, corrupting the poor attendant. These days that pearl now serves Jasper as Sunstone didn’t want to be seen with a corrupted pearl.
  • Jasper is very similar to a big sister to many of the courts’ soldiers, caring deeply about each one of them.
  • Her tail is extremely useful, it acts as basically a third hand and weapon in many cases. On similar turns, her horns also double as a weapon and she’s adjusted her fighting style to include a bit of ramming and headbutts.
  • The small dot on her gemstone is all that remains of her corruption marks (minus her tail, horns and teeth), the healers did a very good job.