
NAMEEllice Anastasia BellroseSPECIESUnicornian
NICKNAMESEllice, Stasia, EliETHNICITYUnicornian
AGE38WEIGHT125 lbs


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.




Ellice was born to a noble unicornian family where she was given just about anything she wanted. As a child, Ellice was put through vigorous beauty pageants, the girls she competed with in those pageants would be the girls Ellice would compete with for the rest of her life. Ellice was a very pretty girl, and would often win these pageants, but when she didn’t hysterics would ensue and her confidence would be temporarily destroyed. Ellice was popular in her schooling but she grew up surrounded by her fellow pageant girls who seemed to all have the exact same life plans as she did: marry the prince (soon to be king) Solarius. 


The time soon came for Solarius to choose a wife, and Ellice knew she definitely had a shot, it was every respectable unicornians dream to marry the prince, and Ellice knew that the crown would soon be hers. The competition for the crown was fierce, the girls would go through many tests to show their worth and honour. Darkness level testing, power showcasing, beauty pageants and more but Ellice persisted through all of them, and she was chosen to marry the prince. 

Years later, Solarius became the king, making Ellice the queen of Unicornia, and soon after that she gave birth to the crown prince, Orion. Her life became very predictable after that, doing basic queenly things. 5 years later Ellice found herself bored of the palace life, and she snuck off to the village to find some fun. Ellice found that fun, when she met a young man that made her feel alive again. She continued the secret affair until the became pregnant, she played it off as Solarius’ child but she knew that there was a high possibility the baby would look just like it’s father. When she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who looked nothing like herself or Solarius, she gave the baby to the father and claimed that the young princess had died in the night. 

When Orion was 10, Ellice gave birth to her final child, a little girl called Charlotte. Charlotte was very weak, and Ellice devoted a good amount of time to watching over Charlotte. But 3 years later Ellice sent her son off to get his darkness test, and he told her that his results were average, but that didn’t explain why he and Charlotte dissappeared a few months after. 

Devastated at the loss of her children, Ellice worried at the lack of an heir to the throne. When the father of her illegitimate child died of a heart attack, Ellice sent a summons to her child, revealing her affair to the world.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci  quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur,  suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus  orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem  odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac  cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam  viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra,  metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non  bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod.  Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum  dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus,  vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur  luctus.










Skill. Level.

Skill. Level. 

Skill. Level. 

Skill. Level.


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