
8 years, 3 months ago
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B a s i c s
C h a r a c t e r
Name: Near
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
Song: The Noose

"Not all sins fade you know."

Near is a judgement deity who possesses the weighty skill of purifying the sins of others. He uses up a lot of energy when he purifies others, so he tends to wear a tired expression on his face. Despite sleeping a lot he never seems to get enough rest. Personality-wise, he is kind, generous, and guilt-ridden. He has a form of amnesia that was sparked by a traumatic event which he can't recall. His past traumas seem to resurface in his sleep as he commonly wakes up screaming. Generally, when he's not appearing eternally tired he wears an inquisitive or confused expression on his face. A lot of things confuse him although he tries not to question them. He possesses two entwined blue halos and small horns which represent budding sin.