


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


'Improved' human




He doesn't have much of a personality anymore, mostly because he forgot a lot of things from his previous life. Deformis is a rather passive being, content doing nothing at all when no one orders him to. Though, if left alone, he does sometimes get interested in seemingly silly things. He may look like he's no longer sentient, but he can in fact still learn and understand other beings. He does not have any inherent malicious intent. If he's curious about something or wants to make something, he can be very determined.


Deformis is a human that was abducted by members of an arrogant, malicious yet powerful species. He was taken for fun, to become someone's favorite hobby, and that's also where the term 'improved human' comes from - just that it's not actually an attempt at improving anything, but rather a morbid way of passing time via cruel experiments. The elves do not truly care for humans, and he happened to be unlucky enough to learn that the hard way. They did many horrendous things to him that I don't think should be listed here. Unfortunately, the majority of the population still believes elves to be kind and divine beings.

(Not so fun) facts
* He has 3 hearts, 1 of which he could technically exchange himself.
* He does not have toes anymore
* He can't speak due to missing lips and tongue, but he can write and does gestures to show his understanding
* He does not need to eat, he gets nutrients via tubes
* His breath is really hot