Absolution 🌌



5 years, 6 months ago


AGE: Unknown (Immortal)

Gender: Unknown (All Pronouns; seems to prefer she/her the most)

ORIENTATION: Aromantic Asexual


No one really knows much about Absolution aside from the fact that she is some sort of Lovecraftian shadow creature who may or may not be a god. Where exactly she comes from or how she even came to be are mysteries and she keeps practically everything about herself aside from her abilities under tight lock and key. Absolution has many unique abilities that help confirm them as some sort of Lovecraftian monster; they can seemingly crossfade in and out of existence, change size, form extra shadow limbs, detach their scribbly eye from their face and have it move around and appear in other places, travel through different dimensions and distort and bend reality and maybe even time itself to their very whim. Despite her seeming quite an intimidating being, it's not actually known as using its powers for evil or wrongdoing; rather, those who have claimed to have encounters with Absolution describe them as curious and playful. They carry around a small pink and red rubber ball with them at almost all times, though how they acquired this little toy is unknown.


Absolution has been described by those that have somehow come into contact with her as rather playful and curious despite her intimidating nature, almost having the behavior of a little kitten when it comes to meeting new people. Many have claimed to see the shadow being appear in their dreams somehow, most speculating that she enjoys meeting with mortals or other bizarre creatures just to say hello and explore. She greatly likes imitating the actions of others and sometimes gets joy out of giving mortals a little scare, but it's never anything malicious. She has no real ill intentions towards those less powerful than her which is a very good thing considering the massive amount of power she truly holds, most of which she never uses. They don't get angry easily and are generally unbothered by most things, though one thing they are notΒ unbothered by is having their favorite little toy- the red and pink rubber ball- touched without permission, although if asked they will usually be very happy to share it with you and even play a little game of catch.

Really she's just a happy Lovecraftian shadow critter happily floating around in some kind of shadow dimension or maybe a black hole she loves you :)) <3

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