


5 years, 5 months ago


Maxine Charlie Woods

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Basic Info

Name Maxine
Zodiac Virgo
Nicknames Max, Maxy
Species Pegasus
Gender Genderfluid
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns She/they
Relationship stat Taken, dating Xenia
Age 22
Occupation Artist, mechanic
Birthday September 14th
Design Notes

  • Lots of scars all over the body
  • Very fluffy and messy hair
  • Fluff on end of their ears and chin
  • Short eyelashes and thick eyebrows
  • Sharp teeth
  • Fluffy hooves
  • Eyebags
  • Slightly muscular

  • The scars they have are mostly form fighting and getting into trouble. The ones on her front hooves are mostly self harm.
  • Is really into greek mythology and romanticism literature.
  • They're also very interested in technology, she knows how to fix and hack electronics.
  • Has two dogs, golden retrievers, they're named Benek and Bono.
  • She suffers from depression.
  • She's quite a picky eater.

  • Enegrgetic, hardly ever can sit in one place
  • Very talkative, talks a lot and likes talking back and engaging in little agruments
  • Passionate about her hobbies, loves talking about them
  • Sarcastic, loves making jokes and being mean for fun
  • She tends to express less emotions when she's around people she doesn't know very well or isn't fond of
  • Tries their best to be nice
  • Being mean is kind of their love language
  • But always apologizes when they feel they've been too mean
  • Workaholic
  • Adventurous and fearless

  • Art, painting and drawing
  • Playing the guitar, making music
  • Writing songs and poems
  • Reading books
  • Horror movies and games
  • Plants, gardening
  • Sunflowers
  • Lemon flavoured things
  • Spending time with her brothers
  • Collecting things (rocks, small bones, crystals)
  • Going on walks, spending time outside
  • Working
  • Tea

  • Being bored
  • Not being able to manage their free time
  • Crowded places, spending time with a big group of people
  • Room temperature water
  • Loud noises
  • When things don't go the way she planned
  • Fashion
  • Chocolate and sweets
  • Cooking
  • Being asked about their scars


TW: kidnapping, suicide mentions

She suffers from memory loss, so she doesn't remember a lot of things from her childhood and from the past. She only remembers bits and pieces. She can only make out a couple of things. One of them being their mom's, Dakota's, death, who died after giving birth to her brother Ero. Max doesn't remember anything else about their mom, what she looked like nor how she was like. She wishes she had any memories of her. When she was 7, on the first day of primary school, some kid slashed her face with a pair of scissors - that's where the big facial scar came from. The scar often made other kids avoid her, other kids made fun of them because of it. At 8 years old, when she was walking playing with her brothers outside, she was kidnapped by a group of crazy scientists that genetically experimented on them. Luckily they didn't cause much damage, because Florian, her father, quickly noticed that she's gone and got in contact with The Origin Foundation he used to work at so they could find and save his daughter as fast as possible. They got Max home safely. This event caused her mental health to drop, she was paranoid and worried that it's gonna happen again, she was scared to leave the house and talk to other people, they refused to speak to psychologists because they feared them. Her father tried to help her, without any results or progress, but one day he decided to take her to The Foundation. His best friends, Benjamin and Alto, still worked there. Benjamin was a psychologist, so Florian decided to introduce Max to him because he thought that the fact they were best friends would make Max less scared. And he was right, it worked out and he has been Max's psychologist ever since. He tried to help her as much as he could. They attempted to commit suicide 4 times sine they were 13. When she was 15 she had to choose a high school she wanted to go to, but at that time she had no clue what she wanted to do in the future, so she submitted an application to the nearest high school to join a military class. They got accepted. It wasn't as bad as she expected, they actually enjoyed it and she thinks kindly of that period. They graduated at the age of 18. They wanted to continue their education and went to a university, where she studied criminology. She left after 4 month, because she got a letter from The Origin Foundation, the place her father used to work at, which was a job offer. The people working there offered her to work there as a mechanic and an IT technician. After consulting it with her dad, she wrote a letter back, agreeing to take the job.


And they have been working there ever since. It's not the easiest job, but she likes it, she likes the adrenaline. A year ago, when she was 21, she met Xenia, her current girlfriend. They met in a library, where Xenia worked as an intern. Max was looking for a couple of books and Xenia was the one to help her. Before they left, she asked Max for their number and asked if they could meet up someday. It shocked Max, but immediately agreed. After three months of friendship, they started dating. Max finally found happiness in their life and is able to live (somewhat) normally.


They have a really good realtionship. He has always been there for her, supporting her and she's grateful for it. She loves him to death.
She doesn't remember anything about her, but really misses her.
Younger brother
She loves that little annoying mf, he means the world to her.
Older brother
They often agrue over the littlest things, but they love eachother nonetheless. He also means the world to them.
They love her a lot and can't imagine their life without her.
Adoptive dad
She loves him as much as she loves Florian. Outside of being her adopted dad, he's also her psyhologist, he's been helping them since they were 10.
Adoptive uncle
He used to help Florian babysit her when they were little. She always find him a bit odd, but she appreciates them nonetheless.
Best friend
They met on The Origin Foundation, he's one of the subjects kept there. They became friends and they often work alongside eachother.
They don't talk much, but they get along decently.