


5 years, 5 months ago


Edward Woods

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Basic Info

Name Edward
Zodiac Virgo
Nicknames None
Species Pegasus
Gender Male
Orientation Asexual, aromantic
Pronouns He/him
Relationship stat Single
Age 25
Occupation Cook and waiter
Birthday September 15th
Theme Heat Waves
Design Notes

  • Dyed hair in the front
  • Feathered fetlocks
  • Eyebags
  • Scar on left side
  • Earplug piercings on both ears
  • Sometimes wears a rosary he got from Krzysztof

  • Isn't very fond of nicknames, he prefers to be called by his name.
  • Is allergic to dust and apples.
  • Has a snake named Sabazios (Saba). Max came out with a name for the him (Sabazios is a name of a Greek God).
  • His favourite flowers are hyacinths (especially grape hyacinths) and allium.
  • Xenia often pracises makeup on him and he enjoys it a lot, he likes feeling pretty.
  • Due to his health condition he can't engage in physical activities, like running, sports, working out, basically anything that would make him breathe faster. He also doesn't fly very often because it also tires him out, prefers to stay on the groud.
  • Has a small collection of feathers.

  • Very calm and chill about everything.
  • Though he's quite shy and awkward, he loves talking with others. He's very talkative and social.
  • Always worries too much.
  • But tries his best to be positive and optimistic most of the time.
  • Really inteligent and smart. Used to have fantastic grades in school and always studied a lot. Loves learning.
  • Likes acting silly and goofy for fun.
  • Always thinks twice before doing something.
  • Friendly and kind-hearted.

  • Flowers
  • Cuddling, physical touch
  • Snakes and lizards
  • Cooking, baking, experimenting in the kitchen
  • Learning new reciepies
  • Tv shows/series
  • Chocolate
  • His job
  • Studying, learning new things
  • Playing the piano
  • Fashion
  • Giving/recieving complements

  • Being forced to do something, being told what to do
  • Sports
  • Coffee
  • Waking up late
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Being in the center of attention
  • Heavy storms
  • Seeing his siblings sad
  • Alcohol
  • Overseasoned food


He thinks rather fondly of "the old times". He always got along with his classmates, had very good grades and didn't have to worry about anything. Until he was diagnosed with an unknown type of tumor located in his left lung at the age of 14, because of it he had to spend a lot of time in a hospital. At first he tried to be positive and optimistic about the whole situation, but as the time passed, his condition wasn't getting any better and he was getting more scared and paranoid. Luckily, he got into a bio-chem profile high school, which made him take his mind off his health for a while. He wanted to become a nurse or an apothecary so he was trying his best at school. He was studying a lot, just so didn't have to think about his health. At the age of 18, after finishing high school, the tumor situation got much worse and had to spend 5 months in hospitals. He was transferred from hospital to hospital, because the doctors couldn't determine what was going on with him. The doctors didn't know how to help him but tried their best nonetheless. His condition was really unstable. After having to spend so much time in hospitals, he couldn't stand thinking of working in an environment like this and he abandoned his dreams of becoming a nurse or apothecary. When Max got a job at The Origin Foundation, they tried their best to convince the people above them to help her brother. And it didn't take that much time to convince them, alongside saving Edward they also could study his weird tumor. But Max made sure they will prioritize his health. So at the age of 23 started his hospitalization at The Origin Foundation. He underwent many operations and other medical shit (idk i'm not a doctor). A month before his birthday he went through a long, time consuming operation which was focused on getting rid of his lung tumor. It went perfectly well and Edward can live a, moderately, normal life.


When he was hospitalized, the time he was at home he was mostly spending on cooking and baking, because while he was under the care of doctors it became one of his main interests. He got very good at it, and after having the life changing surgery he decided to look for a gastronomy related job. He was accepted at a, quite well known, local restaurant where he works both as a waiter and as a cook. He met amazing people there and it's a pleasure for him to work there.


Their relationship is great, he loves his dad a lot.
He misses her a lot.
Younger sister
They might have their ups and downs (nothing serious) he loves them a lot.
Younger brother
He obviously loves him a lot too.
Best friend
He's very thankful that Max introduce her to him, he loves spending time with her.
Adoptive dad
He's very happy to have him in his life, they get along perfectly.
Has the best realtionship with him out of his siblings. He appreciates him a lot.
Biological father
He's glad he never had a chance to meet him.