Reve Hazlewood



5 years, 4 months ago


[GoA] Reve: [enter]

[WW] Reve: [enter]

+ Quick personals


Appears to be:








192 cm [6’3] 

83kg [183 pounds]


+ Personality

One’s first impression of Reve would be a tall, lean figure with and oddly charismatic and gentle smile on his face. Taught to act courteous and be presentable, the man carries himself no less than a gentleman would, minding his manners and the way he talks at all times. 

As a way of making people more relaxed and comfortable in his presence, Reve also has the tendency to use flirty words and gestures in his speech. However, such is also a means for Reve to maintain a distance between others and himself. Some people may feel that he is a bit distant and hard to reach, which in a sense, is also true. 

Behind the calm and composed demeanor, is someone who struggles to connect with others, as he is skeptical of what intentions and consequences people may bring to him. Many have sought for his company, only to reveal that they were after Reve’s fabricated exterior and status, rather than who he actually is. Reve has learnt to be a private person, often skillfully redirecting the topic when personal topics are brought up. His smile is not always a real one, and would gladly curse you with it - if you ever manage to get him that agitated.

  • Sleeping 
  • Reading 
  • Soft things in general 
  • Listening to people talk about their dreams 
  • Tea and wine (he’s picky, too)
  • Being interrupted in his sleep 
  • Rude people who doesn’t seem to have a grasp on manners 
  • Imprudent, self-righteous attitudes 
  • People who disrupt peace on purpose

+ Facts & Trivia

  • Nocturnal. Isn’t that fond of the daytime buzz.
  • Has low body temp, his skin is usually cool to touch
  • Has a very good alcohol tolerance! You nameth, he drinketh
  • He got used to living in a tent during his travels, proper housing now makes him feel restricted & confined
  • Very grouchy when he wakes up. Just don’t wake him up - not that it’s easy for him to let you into his abode in the first place.
  • Has an affinity for soft and cuddly things. Snuggling up in a pile of pillows makes him feel slightly less lonely.
  • He likes topics and items of spirituality, such as crystals, astronomy, etc… A massive fan of stargazing
  • Current coat's CSP brushes: [x] [x]

Initial appearance: OU
Initial RP Group appearance: 
Guardian of Animus