
Name: Alma Augusta Pataki

Other names: Alma Augusta Stenberg (birth/maiden name)

Sex:  Female

Species: Human

Life Years:  26.2.1934 - 13.6.1987 (Quirks and Quartzes world)

Occupation: Homewife (some times),



Can be seen on Family Tree section.






Alma was born in 26th February 1934. Her mother was young Bulgarian woman named Svetlana Dragomirov who worked as servant for Alma's father and his family. Alma's father was Robert Stenberg, a rich man with ancestry of Swedish noblesman. Robert had a quite libibo so when his wife was once again pregnant, he turned his eyes on young Svetlana. He promised that if she lets him do his business to her, Svetlana will get raise and better jobs to do around the house. Naive as she was, Svetlana agreed. Months passed and Svetlana noticed one day something - she was pregnant! Of course she had hid this because she wasn't married. Couple months passed and wiht the help of another servent girl as midwife, her daughter is born. Svetlana loved her baby girl on the moment that she sees her. Hour later, Robert comes to see his bastard. He wasn't stupid, over the months he has seen how Svetlana's stomach grew larger and larger. When Robert firstly saw his daughter, he was disgusted by her (Interestingly enough decades later Alma had exactly same reaction about her middle son). The girl was large, fat, lumpy and ugly unlike his other daughters. Week later Robert tells to Svetlana that she's been fired and her daughter will stay with Stenbergs. Even though Robert despises the girl, he greatly fears that Svetlana would blackmail him (for getting herself money and stuff) if she toke girl with her. Svetlana leaves the Stenberg house heartbroked. Her daughter gets fake birth certificate (which is stated that Robert's wife as her birth mother and her most recent half sibling as her twin and which luckly was born on the exactly same day as Alma) and she will christened with name Alma Augusta.

Alma's childhood wasn't most happiest one. Her older half siblings bullied her mercilessly. Her younger siblings avoided her. Woman who she thought as her mother, just ignored her and focused on her siblings. Her father udderly loathed her. Only people who were descent to Alma were the staff. They liked Svetlana very much so Alma was treated very well by them. Alma loved them but she loved this old woman and girl who was her actual midwife the most. They treated Alma well and she felt so happy. That's until Robert fired all servents and hired the new staff. He promised pay new staff more if they ignored his gargoyle of daughter and staff was very greedy so they did it.



-Alma most likely had Intermittent Explosive Disorder or I.E.D. 

-Cause of Death was heart attack


Voice actor/actress:

Julie Kavner

Notable roles:

Marge Simpson and her female relatives from The Simpsons

Voice samples:

Voice sample 1 

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