Meip (1.0)



4 years, 18 days ago


Full name: Meip Lara Cloulim

Pronunciation: mai-p

Gender: Female

Species: Dog (Golden Retriever)

Age: 16

Sexuality: Staight


Height:  5’4

Weight: 170 pounds

Figure/build: Chubby and short

Hair colour: Natural hair is brown, But she mainly wears wigs of varying colours and styles  

Hairstyle: Style changes depending on the outfit, Prefers long hair

Eye colour: Brown, But wears coloured contacts a lot 

fur colour: Blonde with Brown spots of her face and Shoulders

distinguishing marks: Lots of Freckles, spots on shoulders

Preferred style of clothing: Mostly pastel and cute, Very into Harajuku fashion (she never sticks to a single clique), rarely likes dark and gothic but has been seen in it a few times (this doesn’t include Yamikawaii fashion, it is one of her favourites) 

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: a bright pink Collar, Star shaped earrings


Personality:  She is very Bright, bubbly and enthusiastic about her friends! She wants to be with someone All the time so she can talk their ears off, she isn’t the smartest or most street smart, but She is very sweet and has people to always have her back, She can be quite annoying sometimes with her anime quotes and incorrect Japanese incase you can’t tell she is a MAJOR weaboo

Likes:  candies, crowds, bright colours, painting, fashion (Japanese harajuku fashion being her favourite), Tumblr (mainly Aesthetic blogs)

Dislikes: Spiders, rain (especially storms), being alone in her room, Crying, Salt, alcohol 

Fears/phobias: Spiders, Snakes, doing something embarrassing (happens quite frequently)

Favourite colour:  She loves anything Pastel, but if she had to choose she’d say pastel Pink

Hobbies: Painting, Fashion Designing

Taste in music: Best examples I can supply would be Snails House, Moeshop and Porter Robertson 


Talents/skills: She is fairly flexible, Can assist in a fashion Crisis, skilled in water colours  

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? DO NOT LET HER DRIVE EVER. Only machine she can operate is a sewing Machine


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Tofu, Sushi, Ramen

Favourite drink(s): Iced Green tea, Ramune (Japanese soft drink)

Disliked food(s): Not a big fan of steak but she’ll eat it if she has to

Disliked drink(s): Coffee


Level of education:  Left high school in tenth grade

Current job title and description: Despite not liking coffee, she works as a Barista


Parents names: (??)

Are parents alive or dead? Alive

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Most definantly!

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? She has an older brother, however they don’t really get along

Other Important Relatives:  Was very close with her grandparents, however they passed away  

Partner/Spouse: She is single!

Children: none

Best Friend: Laviden Mosery

Other Important Friends: Tasbin ??, 

Acquaintances: Lilly Lavender, Penelope 

Pets: None

Enemies? Why are they enemies? Will come back to this


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): She was very shy and quite as a puppy, she began to come out of her Shell after she met Laviden at age 6

Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): At the age of 13 she discovered Japanese Culture and Anime, she immediately became obsessed with it, at age 16 she discovered the Harajuku Fashion groups and immediately fell inlove with their confidence and lack of judgment on others. 

Theme Song -

Aesthetic & Outfits