Mihra Cirino



8 years, 6 months ago






"I have no interest in trying to manipulate people's emotions or opinions."

Mihra holds the ability to sense the emotions and moods that others have. She's able to understand them as if they were her own. She can use the knowledge of someone's emotions to play against them though it's fairly dull at this point.

She can somethines hear echoes of thoughts left behind on others that may be associated with their emotions. She can't read their minds, it's a visionary thing.



Mihra Cirino

"The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray."

Basic Information


Name: Mihra

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Height: 5'5''/167 cm

Weight: ---

Hair color: Light Black

Eye Color: Sea Blue


Nickname: ---

Birthday: ---

Ethnicity: Brazilian

Species: Human


Mihra is an Empath.

Her limts on her power are that the emotions have the chance of affecting her negatively depending on what they are. She experiences extreme headaches from time to time if the emotions are stronger than the usual. Large amounts of emotions are also hard for her to handle.



|| Name - Relation ||




♦Sensitive ♦ Bashful ♦ Nervous ♦ Isolated ♦ Friendly ♦Eager ♦ Determined♦ Passionate♦



Mihra used to have a thriving passion for life, enjoying it to the fullest she could manage. However at a young age, she was plagued by emotions that weren't of her own volition. She didn't know where they came from but they were there. She frequently heard troubled voices from those around her or in range. At first, her coping tactics were terrible. It would affect her to the point of her mental and phyical health.

Her parents never really seemed to take notice though she knew things weren't 'bright' on their end either. They detested each other. As well as Mihra in a way for being a product of the two of them. Although she knew it, she never had the nerve to confront them about it.

Over time she grew to learn better control over what she was feeling by extension of others. Their emotions were hers and sometimes they suffocated her, made her feel exactly how they did. Now, even though that's still present, she can stop paying attention to it on her choosing. She doesn't find it particularly helpful as it makes her more humane yet she takes on that role with pride.

It doesn't help her much in situations such as combat until she learns to harness it better, it actually hinders her. It's one reason she took to learning her own ways of self defence in hopes something would stick and she'd have more than what she did. Her parents were your typical subberban family which meant they didn't know how to protect her nor teach her any tactics. She was completely on her own. Although she's not that great at combat, her determination and will power make up for what she's lacking in.


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