Maurice Lécuyer



8 years, 3 months ago



The Necrosis-Obsessed Cobra

Age: 29 y/o

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Human

Birthday: November 28

Sexuality/Availability: ???/Single   


Maurice is practically silent. He only ever talks to people he knows very well, and even then he usually communicates with body language and written dialogue. He is very engrossed in his phone most of the time, but even so, he's extremely observant and is incredibly clever, paired with judgmental behavior and snide remarks. He's very much a gossip, and he's the type to make sure he's always a fly on a wall. Around people he knows, however, he can be kind of awkward.


 Maurice grew up in an average home; he wasn't rich, he wasn't poor. Just middle class. His family got along pretty well; he and his sister Giselle were mischievous and almost always partners in crime. Unfortunately, even despite this, Maurice was incredibly irritable towards the neighborhood kids and therefore became reclusive and unsocialized as he grew older, much unlike Giselle. He became more attached to his phone and began texting his few friends throughout high school. 

During this time, there was a murder in his small town and word spread quickly. His interest was piqued (partially due to an embarrassing amount of watching crime shows), and it caused him to walk outside and socialize with his neighbors. For once, he was not irritated. He wanted to understand the basics behind crimes; he almost majored in criminology, but then he ended up majoring in forensics because he realized he liked doing dissections and understanding the body even after death. He's more interested in the dead than the living, so he decided to choose a profession in which he interacts with the dead, but also wouldn't be suspected for serial murder.


Cerys Giroux [?] =
Maurice isn't sure how to feel about her.
He's kind of scared of her.
Al Herrington [] =
Very good friends, yes, but not dating.
He doesn't know where that came from.
Name [Symbol] =
Feeling towards Character.
Name [Symbol] =
Feeling towards Character.