
“I’m not running away haha nope why would you think that? TAX EVASION? HAHA What’s that?”

  • Oxli Kwasnik


Element: Oxygen

Atomic Number: 8 

Atomic Mass: 15.999 u 

Given Name: Oxli Kwasnik

Name Origin: Oxli was some butchering of Oxygen, Kwasnik comes from Polish “kwas” meaning acid, the same etymology as the word oxygen 

Name Origin (In-Universe): Oxli is a Pre-Donecmunian word meaning “our own”, “”

Height: 5’8”/174 cm 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Enneagram Type: 7w6

Apparent Age: 17

Ethnicity: Polish

Nationality: Alamdolese 

Place of Residence: At a mine owned by Ruda Alamdielska 

Title(s): None

Occupation: Ore miner in Alamdol

Tag: Oxid8ion

Hobbies: Pushing ore carts into people when they’re not looking, inventing new ways to evade taxes, crying himself to sleep over a memento book 


Once a renowned warrior throughout many periods of time, Oxli finally quit his military career in the year 4013 D.T. after a certain event shook his world in a way he couldn’t cope with. It wasn’t that event on its own- no, that event really just served as the straw that broke the camel’s back. Kwasnik had spent the good majority of his life enacting, upholding, or sustaining violence. He had grown tired of it, and that particular incident made him realize that, although he himself may have had the privilege of distancing his actions from their aftershock, the people whose relatives and friends he killed did not. Once he finally ended up on the other end of the stick, Kwasnik was like “screw this whole war thing”, and took up a more passive means of protecting his country.

Of course, it doesn’t sit well with him that technically, all of his efforts made in the mines are really just going back to feed Alamdol’s war machine. It does, however, please Kwasnik to know that the new Praefectus, Suleiman Furusiya, has plans to reallocate military funds to more constructive outlets, such as infrastructure and, of course, workers’ rights and privileges. For the time being, however, Oxli continues to slave his butt off at a mine owned by the corporate giant, Ruda Alamdielska, the owner of thousands of mines internationally and domestically. Their name, which literally means Alamdolese Ore, is super creative in his book, but in a way, it’s almost a flex because not every mining firm is going to get to name themselves after their own country and get away with it without confusion. 

Currently, Kwasnik has many acquaintances, but few real friends. The other miners laugh and joke and pull pranks on each other, and they seem to have a kind of bond with each other that Oxli just doesn’t have with them. To be fair, he knows that they’ve reached out to him and he hasn’t been especially responsive, but he just wishes there were someone out there who was willing to push past his vacant expression and actually get to know him. Kwasnik doesn’t feel alone, per se, he just doesn’t feel...connected. And though he longs to be free of this droning, boring environment, at the same time he’s aware that if he quits his job, where else can he go? He has little actual expertise in any one field, and he’s already gotten to know the miners here well enough that leaving would mean starting all over again with a new set of peers and a new set of struggles. 

There is one person who might be able to change that, however.

And her name definitely isn’t Phosphorus. 


Burdened by years of violent conflict and the memory of losing someone dear to him, Kwasnik is rather reclusive and somewhat meek. Though used to the pranks and practical jokes sprung on him by his comrades, he’s still rather “jumpy” towards things that startle him in the field, like birds flying out of bushes and animal carcasses in the caverns of the mines.

On top of that, Kwasnik longs for something more important in life. He wants his life to have a reason, a purpose. But he has no idea where to begin, and often feels as if there are so many possibilities that from a practical standpoint, there are none. He can be resistant to change and rather defeatist in this manner. 


Other Miners - Kind of his only friends, though he wishes more of them were bi 

Sulfur - The new Praefectus of the nation, hopefully he’ll improve working conditions 

Phosphorus - Some idiot kid who decided to crash his party 

The Alamdolese Nation - A people he sacrificed everything for, but got nothing from in return

Tax Collectors - The bane of his existence, he wishes they would all retire forever 


The white of Oxygen’s shirt is a reference to clouds, which are made of water. 

The blue of his pants are a reference to the color of the ocean, which is also made of water. 

His eyes are a light blue to reference the color of liquid oxygen.

Oxygen’s hair is red and kind of looks like a flame because although it isn’t flammable itself, it does facilitate combustion. 



Oxygen is poor, a terrible spender of money, and a poor manager of assets because oxygen degrades a whole lot of stuff, especially metals.

