


8 years, 3 months ago



Name Cassiel
Designer koiley
Gender Female
ObtainedCustom made for me via trade
Significant Other Andrealphus
Rules Species rules
Species Kiamara

RoleStay at home wife



She is a very gentle and understanding kia, and one that is very observant and quick to pick up on how others around her are feeling. She struggles with her identity, and though she is happy with her current life, she doesn't really know who she was before that, and nothing has stopped her from trying her best to seek it out. She feels like she's deeply missing something, yet doesn't know what she is missing. She can be incredibly indecisive since she doesn't always know what she wants or if what she thinks is the right answer. She just wants peace and for things to be calm, and for others to be happy, but how to get there isn't something she feels confident in determining.  

She is happy to share her smile, and just as generous with her tears. She's very expressive- and not shy about saying how she's feeling at any given time. The only emotion she rarely shows-is anger. It is quite difficult to rise her temper. She is skittish and shy, and often very afraid of those who are aggressive or angry, and she will quickly run from those who feel "Scary" to her. Whether its physically running- or receding into her own mind in a conversation to avoid having to speak to or confront them. 

Andrealphus is her protector, and she tends to be more confident when she knows he's around to keep her safe. Realistically, she probably could defend herself if she had to. She's quite smart, and though she's a pacifist- she has inherent instincts even she isn't aware of. But she'd really rather not. 


  • Her feathers are loose mimics of the wings she once had. Due to her fear of birds/the sound of wings, sometimes her own feathers rustling together can also frighten her.
  • She has no claws! Only the softest paws.

In a past life, Cassiel was a powerful angel general who worked closely with the goddess and was a highly trusted member of her council. Cassiel's specialty was in observing and studying the mortal realms, and she was known for her wisdom and insight about them. Though, despite her wisdom- she never interacted with these realms directly. She was a silent, invisible watcher and learner. 

At the end of the great war, with the collapse of magic, Cassiel was trapped in the mortal realm, ripped from her goddess' side and thrown down to earth. She was stripped of her immortal life and thrown into a mortal body in an experience that rattled her to her core. Since it wasn't her choice to be reborn, she did not grow up with any family or youth, she simply appeared upon the world as a young adult. One with no memory of who she was, or how she'd gotten there.

She wandered this world with no real understanding of it, slowly learning and fearfully trying to find out who and what she was supposed to be. The angels attempted to come for her, but this only frightened her, and the sounds of wings would send her fleeing in great despair from those who used to be her friends.

She eventually met Andrealphus, who she felt an instant connection to. Ironic, given their histories. But she felt drawn to him and he quickly determined a strong desire to protect her and help regain her memory. She feels safe with him, and eventually a love blossomed between him as he protected her from the "Birds" She feared and the world she didn't feel like she belonged in.

He works, and she stays at home, tending to cleaning and raising roses. At this point, she's more or less entirely integrated into the new society in which she lives, and is content in her new life.

Since she seems to be happy, the angels have left her alone.


  • Flowers (Roses)
  • Feeling safe and her home
  • Romance movies/tv shows
  • Reading

  • Birds
  • The dark
  • Scary people
  • Being the center of attention


Her protector and beloved mate. Andrealphus found her when she had nooone, taught her when she knew nothing, and saved her from a world that frightened her. She adores him with all her heart, and no matter what struggles he may go through on his own side- she trusts him beyond anyone else in the world.

Sarakiel Daughter

Her only daughter. Cassiel was probably a bit too overbearing of her when she was young, and even now she dotes on her pretty heavily. She never wants her daughter to feel lost, and sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming to poor Sarakiel, even if she loves her mother dearly.

Virgil Son-in-law

Cassiel has mixed feelings of Virgil. Mainly, out of lack of interaction. He intimidates her a bit because he can be rough around the edges, but her daughter seems to love him, so she does her best to be welcoming and not let her skittishness get the better of her.

Katherine Granddaughter

Cassiel's poor granddaughter who suffers with transient blindness. She's a fragile, weak willed thing who struggles to cope with her illness. Cassiel is extremely close to her, because her gentle and softspoken nature and her ability to understand and listen make her a great person for Katherine to turn to. She can't help but see a bit of herself in the young kia, given she was once lost too. 
