
Ikran Name: Samir

Gender: Male

Age: 5 years

Holiday Story: A deep, almost purr-like, hum was emitted from deep within the throat of the already quite large Ikran. His blue skin shimmered in the sun as he rested up on his perch. He scanned his surroundings, spotting some of movement on the floor below, prey.

Samir effortlessly jumped off on the ledge, allowing himself to fall for a few seconds before opening his wings and gliding down.

The viperwolf didn't stand a chance. It was snatched up in Samir's large claws.

The blue Ikran then flew, not to his perch, but to that of his family. His mother, and couple of young siblings.

His mother had grown old and unable to hunt and his siblings were not yet at an age in which they could hunt for themselves so Samir had taken up the responsibility. Although, his family didn't yet know. He wished for this to be a surprise. Especially for the ever cooling months of the year. The times that were usually celebrated by all beings as a time to thank the spirits for all that they have been given.

Samir reached his family and dropped the viperwolf at their feet, smiling a goofy smile with the mouth that was clearly not meant for the gesture.

A living grumble escaped his mothers throat and his siblings chirped happily before they devoured the viperwolf, youngsters eating first, then Samir's mother and finally, the scraps for Samir. He didn't mind though. He was happy. He just wanted to have the opportunity to be with his family and enjoy the years that they have spent together, for nobody knows for sure how many more are to come.